Elusive Victories_ The American Presidency at War-Oxford University Press (2012)

(Axel Boer) #1

444 index

United States Supreme Court , 18 , 78 ,
134 , 136 , 138 , 372 n 40
USS Abraham Lincoln , 298
Utley, Jonathan G. , 141

Vallandigham, Clement , 65 , 74 , 76
Vance, Cyrus , 250
Vandenburg, Arthur , 188
Vicksburg , 47 , 49–51 , 54 , 56 , 58 , 59 ,
70 , 396 n 135
Vichy regime , 143 , 173 , 193
Victory Program , 160 , 173 , 196 ,
400 n 222
Vienna , 194
Vietcong (VC) , 206 , 214–15 , 225–26 ,
231–32 , 240–41 , 244–45 , 255–56 ,
269 , 406 n 83 , 411 n 203. ( see also
North Vietnamese Army )
Vietnam. See Vietnam War. (s ee also
South Vietnam)
Vietnam War , 6–9 , 17 , 19 , 21 , 202–3 ,
205 , 210 , 223 , 234–35 , 271 , 306 ,
309 , 321 , 345 , 362 , 401 n 1
Villa, Pancho , 100 , 102–3
Virginia , 37 , 46 , 49 , 52 , 54
considers secession , 33 , 35–36
as key theatre in Civil War , 47

Wade-Davis Bill , 71–72 , 380 n 145
Wake Island , 171
War Democrats , 36 , 63–64
War Department , 73 , 93 , 104 ,
395 n 115. ( See also Department
of Defense )
War Industries Board (WIB) , 105
War Labor Board , 167
War of 1812 , 14 , 24 , 370–71 n 24
War Manpower Commission , 167
War Powers Resolution (1973) , 18 , 272 ,
War Production Board (WPB) , 161 ,
394 n 98
Warsaw Uprising , 182 , 184
Washburne, Elihu , 43–44

Washington, D.C. (city) , 36 , 49 , 52 ,
55 , 59–60 , 128 , 166 , 236
Washington, George , 142
Washington Naval Treaty (1922) , 149
Wavell, Archibald , 191 , 193
Watergate , 270 , 272
Watt, Donald Cameron , 138
Weapons of Mass Destruction
(WMD) , 5 , 276–77 , 279 , 281 ,
283–84 , 287 , 293–95 , 297–98 ,
309 , 323 , 413 n 7 , 415 n 38 , 415 n 45 ,
421 n 162
Wehrmacht. See German Army
Western Front (World War I) , 51 , 110 ,
138 , 240
Western Hemisphere , 5 , 86 , 95 ,
142–44 , 146 , 151 , 154
Westmoreland, William , 8 , 207 , 214 ,
216 , 221 , 224–26 , 229 , 231–32 ,
234–36 , 240–46 , 253 , 255 , 317 ,
332 , 344 , 404 n 54 , 405 n 64 ,
406 n 83 , 408 n 113 , 411–12 n 205 ,
420 n 144
West Point , 43 , 282
Wheeler, Earle “Bus” , 223–24 , 230 ,
246 , 406 n 86
Whig Party , 43 , 62 , 371 n 25 , 380 n 145 ,
411 n 184
Wilhelm II, Kaiser , 90 , 121
Wilmington , 47
Wilmot, David , 73
Wilson, Harold , 403 n 26
Wilson, Woodrow , 9 , 15 , 18–19 , 23 , 25 ,
27 , 29 , 83 , 86–87 , 89 , 94–95 , 114 ,
119–20 , 129–31 , 133–34 , 137 , 139 ,
149 , 152–53 , 156–57 , 161–62 , 164 ,
181–82 , 185 , 187–88 , 195–96 ,
199–201 , 219 , 222 , 228 , 273 , 326 ,
345 , 347–50 , 385 n 93
and antiwar critics , 116–17 , 119 , 131 ,
195–96 , 237 , 350 , 386 n 134
and Armistice , 85 , 111–12
cedes control over decision to go to
war to Germany , 90 , 94–96 , 130
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