The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1
long-blooming cultivar with dead-
heading that can go strong for 6 weeks
and then sporadically for a total of 15
weeks. May need staking, but more
self-supporting than others. The stout
stems of Achillea millefolium ‘Apple
Blossom’ usually don’t require staking.
Achillea ×kellereri requires the old
blossoms and a third to half of the
foliage to be cut after flowering.
Achillea ptarmica, sneezewort, is
invasive and lanky and contracts
mildew in hot, humid conditions.
Achillea ‘Taygetea’, 1 1/2 ft. tall,
flowers from May to hard frost with
deadheading. Remove the flowers
when they start to turn dingy.

Achillea ‘Moonshine’
‘Moonshine’ yarrow

Sulfur-yellow flower heads;
fernlike silver foliage
24 in. (12 in.) high; 18 in. wide
Full sun
Blooms June–August
Zones 3–8
pruning As the flowers fade, dead-
head to lateral buds; when lateral
flower stems finish blooming, cut
down to basal foliage. Foliage remains
attractive into winter. In early spring
cut off any dead or old foliage, leave
new growth at base. In areas with high
heat and humidity, thinning plants can
reduce moisture around crown and
help prevent disease. Prune out
diseased sections as needed; do not
compost infected material.
other maintenance Requires
well-draining soil to ensure perennial
nature and to prevent melting out.
Pythium and botrytis can be a problem
in the South. Planting and mulching
with coarse grit may aid survival in
heavy soils. Avoid high-fertility soils
and shade or plants will require
staking. Not invasive like some other
yarrows. Seems to weaken after a
couple years of strong flowering; at
that point divide in the spring or
autumn. Plants sustaining winter
injury (from wet soils or fluctuating

temperatures) may not flower the
following season.
related plantS Achillea ‘Anthea’,
18–20 in. tall, has light yellow flowers
and silver-green foliage. It performs
for long periods without division and
the growth habit is more upright than
‘Moonshine’, not requiring staking. It
produces numerous secondary flower
heads that start to bloom just as the
primary ones begin to fade. (Dead-
heading of the primary flowers keeps
plants tidy, although the flowers are
fairly attractive even after they have
faded.) Also, ‘Anthea’ is not prone to
melting out in hot, humid climates as
is ‘Moonshine’.

Achillea ×lewisii ‘King Edward’
should be deadheaded to lateral buds
to prolong bloom, then cut to new
basal foliage when secondary flower-
ing is completed. Well-draining soil is

Achillea 'Moonshine'
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