Los Angeles Times - 24.02.2020

(Nandana) #1

Political observers say
the sheer amount of money
flowing into the race is un-
usual for a law enforcement
election, and the heavy-han-
ded contributions illumi-
nate the high stakes: The
winner will lead the largest
prosecutor’s office in the na-
tion with an outsize ability to
influence policy agendas
across California and the
United States.
Though Lacey has cham-
pioned a diversion program
for defendants with mental
illnesses, she is still seen as a
typical “tough on crime”
prosecutor compared with
Gascón and Rossi, who both
espouse platforms focused
on restorative justice and
maintaining public safety
while lowering the prison
“You got the progressive
against the more traditional
— I don’t want to say conser-
vative, but that’s really what
it is, conservative — pro-law
enforcement Jackie Lacey,”
said Dermot Givens, a Los
Angeles attorney and politi-
cal consultant. “Society has
moved past that, and now
we’ll see if Los Angeles has
moved past that.”
Lacey, whose reelection
committee was formed in
2018, leads the way in direct
fundraising, having col-
lected $810,000, records

show. Gascón has tallied
$137,000, though he entered
the race only in December
and has raised nearly all of
that in the last month. Rossi
has received $67,000 in direct
donations but failed to at-
tract any money from out-
side committees.
Donors can contribute
an unlimited amount of
money to outside commit-
tees, which cannot coordi-
nate with a candidate’s
That has played well for
Gascón. The outside com-
mittee Run, George, Run re-
ceived $1 million last month
from Patty Quillin, the wife
of Netflix Chief Executive
Reed Hastings.
Quillin has donated to
progressive candidates in
Alameda County in the past,
records show. Her husband
had previously dumped
more than $2 million into ef-
forts such as Proposition 47
— the measure co-written by
Gascón that turned low-lev-
el drug use and other of-
fenses from felonies to mis-
demeanors — as well as ef-
forts to repeal the death
penalty in California, ac-
cording to filings with the
secretary of state.
Attempts to contact both
Hastings and Quillin were
Outside groups support-
ing Gascón also took in a

combined $585,000 from
Elizabeth Simons, who has
donated tens of thousands
to anti-death-penalty efforts
and other criminal justice
reform measures in recent
years, records show. An
email to Simons’ Bay Area-
based clean energy founda-
tion was not returned.
The outside group
Gomez is volunteering for,
Imagine Justice, has also
said it will spend $1 million to
help turn out voters for
Gascón in South L.A.
The truckload of money
from outside L.A. County
would seem to bolster critics
of Gascón who have tried to
brand him as a carpet-
bagger, even though he grew
up in Southern California
and rose to the rank of as-
sistant chief in the Los Ange-
les Police Department. Max
Szabo, Gascón’s campaign
spokesman, said the heavy
dose of money from North-
ern California only serves to
solidify his record on crimi-
nal justice reform.
“Those who care about
injustice are going to get in-
volved where they can make
the biggest difference, and
the biggest difference can be
made in Los Angeles be-
cause it’s the mass-incar-
ceration capital of the
world,” he said.
Groups boosting Lacey
have almost entirely re-

ceived funding from law en-
forcement unions. In addi-
tion to the $1 million poured
in by the LAPPL, the union
representing L.A. County
sheriff ’s deputies contrib-
uted $800,000 to a pro-Lacey
committee that consists
mostly of law enforcement
groups. The Peace Officers
Research Assn. of California
has also contributed $107,
to pro-Lacey efforts, while
the union representing L.A.
County prosecutors fun-
neled $50,000 into the race.
Critics of Lacey have
been quick to link her broad
support among law enforce-
ment unions to her record of
rarely prosecuting use-of-
force cases. Robert Harris, a
director on the board of the
Los Angeles Police Protec-
tive League, scoffed at that
notion and argued that the
blitz of support is aimed at
stopping Gascón, who many
in law enforcement believe
represents a brand of crimi-
nal justice policy that en-
dangers public safety.
“We knew we were going
to have to ward off some of
that influence from outside
our area who were going to
try and sell this fake image of
Gascón. We know who he
really is,” Harris said. “We
don’t need a D.A. to have an
extreme makeover. We really
want to support Jackie Lac-
ey because she has that

proven record of addressing
some of the issues public
safety-wise that we know are
important to the communi-
ties that we serve.”
The committee dona-
tions have also raised ques-
tions about potential con-
flicts of interest in connec-
tion with one of the highest-
profile individuals facing
charges in Los Angeles:
Harvey Weinstein.
Jury deliberations are
ongoing in Weinstein’s New
York trial on rape allega-
tions. In Los Angeles, Lacey
filed multiple counts of sexu-
al assault against Weinstein
last month.
Records show that Blair
Berk, Weinstein’s lead de-
fense counsel in Los Ange-
les, donated $1,000 to Lac-
ey’s campaign in 2018.
Gascón’s campaign has at-
tacked Lacey over the con-
tribution in the past. Berk
declined to comment, and
Lacey’s campaign said the
appearance of a conflict was
“Virtually every D.A., in-
cluding both George Gascón
and D.A. Lacey, takes cam-
paign contributions from
defense attorneys, because
these contributions do not
represent a conflict of inter-
est,” said Mac Zilber, a con-
sultant for Lacey’s cam-
paign. “Blair Berk first gave
to D.A. Lacey eight years

ago, years before the Wein-
stein case.”
Gascón’s campaign re-
ceived a donation from Holly
Baird, a public relations pro-
fessional who has acted as a
spokeswoman for Weinstein
since the beginning of his
New York criminal trial.
Szabo said the campaign
would return her $250 dona-
tion “to avoid even the
slightest appearance of a
In an email, Baird said
she was “offended” by the
Gascón campaign’s decision
to return her contribution
and said her personal views
do not always align with
those of people she works
“It’s antithetical to the
#MeToo movement for the
Los Angeles Times or any-
one to misconstrue or ques-
tion my intentions of donat-
ing $250 to attend a fundrais-
er for someone who is com-
mitted to criminal and social
justice reform,” Baird wrote.
Though the dollar figures
being thrown around in the
race may have surprised
some observers, Harris said
bills add up quickly when an
election affects voters from
Palmdale to the South Bay.
“L.A. County is huge,” he
said. “There are a lot of vot-
ers we have to communicate
with in a short amount of

Millions in outside money pour into race for D.A.

[Donations,from A1]


away from odd-year elec-
tions to hold contests in tan-
dem with California’s state-
wide primary.
“With the consolidation
of the cities and the districts
onto the ballot, the Ink-a-
Vote system literally did not
have the physical capacity
for the length of the ballot
and the number of contests
and measures,” Logan said.
Designed through years
of community input, the
county’s VSAP system uses
a touch-screen for in-person
voting that marks choices on
paper ballots for voters to re-
view before they’re cast. Vot-
ers who want a faster experi-
ence can make selections
ahead of time online and
transfer them with a smart-
phone and a QR code to the
machine that prints them on
a completed paper ballot.
The system also required
a redesign of absentee bal-
lots, which will be counted
using the same new devices
that count the ones cast in
“I think the VSAP system
does a good job at address-
ing a lot of problems we’ve
seen in L.A.,” said Kim Al-
exander, president of the
nonpartisan California Vot-
er Foundation.
Those changes alone
would be a lot for Los Ange-
les County voters to absorb.
But the use of the new mach-
ines and ballots will take
place under provisions of a
2016 state law that radically
retools the election
experience. It allows coun-
ties to swap traditional
polling places for multipur-
pose “vote centers” and re-
quires those facilities to
open starting 11 days before
election day.
Five counties used the
new procedures in 2018 and
10 more will adopt the
changes for the March elec-
tion. Fourteen of those coun-
ties are required to mail ev-
ery registered voter a ballot
in exchange for closing
neighborhood polling
places. But L.A. County re-
ceived a special — and con-
troversial — exemption from
that rule.
The result is that as many
as 2 million voters will have
neither a local polling place
nor a ballot mailed to them
— unless they request an ab-
sentee ballot by the state-
wide deadline on Tuesday.
It’s why some voting
rights advocates will be
watching the county’s elec-
tion operations closely.
“I think L.A. County is the
real hot spot,” said Jonathan
Stein, voting rights manager
for Asian Americans Ad-
vancing Justice-Asian Law
Caucus. He said it’s not far-
fetched to envision “signifi-
cant challenges” for local
voters on election day.
Marilú Guevara, execu-
tive director of the League of
Women Voters of Los Ange-
les, said she’s heartened by

places are gone, replaced by
fewer regional voting cen-
ters; and once there, millions
of Angelenos will use new
touch-screen devices ap-
proved by state officials just
weeks ago.
Voters across the county
had their first experiences
with the new process over
the weekend. In some cases,
it was not what they had
hoped for — sporadic re-
ports about miscues that
election officials promised
would be resolved as elec-
tion day approaches.
Dean Logan, the regis-
trar of voters in Los Angeles
County and architect of the
new $300-million voting sys-
tem, said in an interview ear-
lier this month that his staff
is prepared to address any
problems as they arise. “I
don’t ever go into an election
anticipating that everything
is going to go picture-per-
fect,” he said. “I think doing
that would be naive.”
Few counties have mod-
ernized their elections less
frequently — the new system
marks just the third major
modernization of voting in
Los Angeles since 1968. Local
officials stubbornly held on
to the “Votomatic” punch-
card system for 35 years,
scrapping it three years after
similar hole-punching
machines in Florida sparked
the “hanging chads” furor of
the 2000 presidential elec-
L.A. then switched to the
“Ink-a-Vote” system, in
which voters marked ballots
with a pen, intended to be
only a short-term fix while
the county prepared to
switch to electronic voting
machines. But after a storm
of criticism over security
concerns scuttled that ef-
fort, Los Angeles County de-
cided to build its own system
from the ground up.
The end result — known
as “Voting Solutions for All
People,” or VSAP — has
been in limited use ahead of
the March 3 primary.
Though Logan has said
those who have used it so far
reported a positive experi-
ence, a statewide primary in
which most of the county’s
5.5 million voters cast ballots
could reveal issues not found
during earlier tests.
“There’s a learning curve
associated with all changes
in voting rules,” Hasen said.
“I always say, you don’t pre-
miere your brand-new play
straight to Broadway.”
Logan, who has led the
county’s election team since
2008, said there was no other
choice. He noted the Ink-a-
Vote marked-ballot system
was a poor fit for voters with
physical disabilities or those
who use any of Los Angeles
County’s 12 official lan-
guages other than English.
But the final blow, he
said, came when a number of
L.A. communities switched

the recent mailings to all
households that explain the
new system and vote cen-
ters. Yet she still worries that
longtime voters won’t be
aware of the change and will
go to their former polling
place out of habit — causing
them to dash through rush-
hour traffic to find one of the
new vote centers.
“I hope that now more
people who didn’t know
about the changes coming to
voting will start asking ques-
tions,” Guevara said. “I just
hope it’s not too late for a
large part of our electorate.”
Guevara’s worries could
be justified. Only 38% of Los
Angeles County voters sur-
veyed in a USC poll released
last week knew there had
been changes made to the
way in which they’ll vote in
the upcoming election.
When state lawmakers in
Sacramento were drafting
the new election law, known
as the Voter’s Choice Act,
Los Angeles County lobby-
ists argued that the exemp-
tion was needed to “mitigate
the bill’s operational and fis-
cal impact on the county.”
In an interview with The
Times, Logan said that
some voters want to cast a
ballot in person and that the
new system makes that eas-
ier. “I don’t think they’ve lost
access to a polling place,” he
said of those voters. “I think
they’ve gained access to a
place to vote over the course
of 11 days.”
For those in-person vot-
ers, L.A. election officials will
use 22,000 ballot-marking

devices, to be set up in vote
centers of various sizes be-
ginning this weekend and
lasting through election
night. An additional 6,
machines will be available as
backups if needed.
Though the machines
have been tested by state of-
ficials and by voters — a
mock election was held in
September and the new de-
vices were offered as an op-
tion in roughly 40 polling
places during municipal
elections last fall — there
have been errors, many of
them over the last two days
as the first vote centers
opened across the county.
Complaints were lodged
on social media that some of
the ballot-marking devices
and electronic “poll books,”
which verify a voter’s regis-
tration, had failed to work.
Some of the problems
seemed to mirror acknowl-
edgments by Logan in De-
cember, including that vote
center staffers had been late
in getting the machines
On Sunday, Logan said
on Twitter that the rollout
was “not without hiccups,”
but noted that the “equip-
ment performed well and
voter feedback on usability
was positive.”
In the soft debut of the
machines last year, some of
the ballot-marking devices
experienced paper jams. In
December, experts hired by
the state raised concerns
that inadequate security
seals might not reveal if the
ballot box attached to a de-

vice had been tampered
The November mock
election also exposed prob-
lems with the printing of bal-
lots, causing delays in tally-
ing about 1% of the votes. A
similar delay in a major elec-
tion could affect tens of
thousands of ballots, adding
more time pressures to a
process already closely scru-
tinized for how long it takes.
In a December report to Los
Angeles County supervi-
sors, Logan said his staff has
recalibrated printers.
Problems with the touch-
screen machines — which
electronically mark paper
ballots — were also discov-
ered during the mock elec-
tions, including what Logan
informed supervisors was a
“small number” of paper
jams and incomplete error
code messages that con-
fused poll workers.
In addition, the highly
touted smartphone feature
“did not operate properly”
during the mock election,
according to the December
report to county supervi-
sors. Election officials say
the software has since been
On Jan. 24, Secretary of
State Alex Padilla laid out a
series of needed changes.
“I am insisting on some
essential modifications to
the system and requiring on-
going reports from Los An-
geles County so that we can
continue to improve the vot-
ing experience for Ange-
lenos,” Padilla wrote in his
letter certifying the various
VSAP components.
Logan told county super-
visors that he would address
Padilla’s conditions.
“Based on the mock elec-
tion and the pilot election,
we did make improvements
and refinements,” Logan
said during a board meeting
on Jan. 28. “Every voting sys-
tem certified in California
has conditions.... We are con-
fident that we can meet
those conditions.”
One of those conditions is
that every Los Angeles vote
center must ensure there’s
some way to cast a ballot if
the new machines should
In the other California

counties implementing the
Voter’s Choice Act, there are
on-demand printers that
can generate the correct bal-
lot. But in sprawling L.A.,
where Logan points out
there are some 62,000 differ-
ent ballot configurations
with municipal candidates
and measures, there is no
backup method to print bal-
Instead, the state’s larg-
est county will rely on the
most rudimentary of
backup plans: blank write-in
ballots, forcing voters to
write out a candidate’s name
in every race in which they
want to participate.
“That’s a fail-safe in the
event that the entire system
was down, a stopgap to
make sure voting never
stops,” Logan said.
Logan expects as many
as 16,000 people will staff the
vote centers, each person re-
ceiving an eight-hour in-
struction course. As in all
elections, training is key: A
social media posting that
went viral this month
wrongly said that all newly
registered L.A. voters would
have to show ID at vote cen-
ters — in fact, it only applies
to a very small subset of vot-
ers whose initial registration
material doesn’t comply
with an 18-year-old federal
law. California has no broad-
based ID requirements for
voters who show up to cast
ballots in person.
Hasen, who has written
extensively on how voting
systems can be compro-
mised by simple mistakes,
said the early voting period
— beginning this weekend
and running through Mon-
day, March 2 — will be a cru-
cial test.
“There’s so much angst
right now about voting sys-
tems,” he said. “And a lot of
people are going to be sur-
prised by all of this.”
Alexander’s nonpartisan
group is urging L.A. voters to
review voting information
now and not be put off.
“A lot of time, voters wait
until the night before the
election to open that mailed
packet,” she said. “I think
elections officials should be
making contingency plans if
there are really long lines.”

DANIEL STEPHENSON, center, of Sierra Foothills Young Democrats meets volunteers before canvassing.

Myung J. ChunLos Angeles Times

‘A lot riding’

on new L.A.

voting system

[Voting,from A1]

LOS ANGELES COUNTYrecently unveiled a proto-
type of its new touch-screen voting machines.

Barbara DavidsonLos Angeles Times
Free download pdf