The SHA Wellness Clinic, situated in the Spanish hills,has the appearance of a luxury holiday resort â but hereguests are invited on a journey with life-changing potential
Set in a secluded hillside spotbetween the shimmering bay ofAltea and the spectacularlandscape of the Sierra Heladanatural park, with a panoramic viewoverlooking the Mediterranean â youâd beforgiven for thinking the SHA WellnessClinic, with its gleaming white architecture,is like any other global resort. There aredreamworthy infinity pools, tropicalgardens, sumptuous suites and endlesstranquil spaces to ensure optimumrelaxation. Here, however, guests embarkon a journey with a difference, as SHAprides itself on being one of the worldâstop medi-spas.Founded by Alfredo Bataller Pariettiin 2008, the clinic celebrates its 10thanniversary this year. Defining itsapproach to health as finding theoptimal state of physical, mental andspiritual wellbeing, the resort combinesstate-of-the-art facilities, effectivenatural therapies and the latest scientific``````advances in Western medicine. Theresult is an all-encompassing perspectiveof wellbeing, with the goal of deliveringlife-transforming changes and balancefor both the body and the mind.With more than 300 professionals andexperts in their fields, the SHA Methodâsprogrammes offer advice and support inindividually tailored nutrition, naturaltherapies, cognitive stimulation, fitness,aesthetic medicine, re-education of habits,healthy ageing, regenerative medicine,preventive medicine and genetics andfinding complete inner balance.SHAâs unique formula for wellbeing âand its wide variety of health programmesand checks (from detoxes to weight loss)
- incorporates expert, specialist advice fromprestigious professionals, a healthy,nutritional diet and, of course, theMediterranean climate and fresh sea airthat is beneficial for body and soul. QVisit, or call 0203111 0819Healing Holidays isoffering a four-nightDiscovery Programme,including a DeluxeSuite Mountain Room,transfers, full boardand all treatmentsand activities on theDiscovery Programme,from £1,899 perperson sharing.Alternatively, book aseven-night stay witha programme (Essencenot included) andreceive a free upgradeto an upper roomcategory, early check-inand late check-outand a complimentary50-minute massage (allsubject to availability).``````SHA Nutrition isfounded on ancientprinciples thathave been adaptedto suit modern life