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180 Sonic boomRock’s new frontwomen arepumping up the style. By HayleyMaitland. Photographs by CollierSchorr. Styling by Poppy Kain188 ON THE COVERThe Vogue 25Presenting the women who arechanging the conversation about theissues that matter today192 Amazing GraceWhy Grace Wales Bonner is theavant-garde designer that womencan’t get enough of. By Olivia Singer.Photographs by Tim Walker.Styling by Ibrahim KamaraBack pageWhat would Alexander Wang do?The designer takes our quiz``````154 ON THE COVERThe year that changed everythingAriana Grande talks love, lossand the power of music with GilesHattersley. Photographs by CraigMcDean. Styling by Kate Phelan162 Point of departureFluid shapes and bold colour-blockingdefine summer’s strongest looks.Photographs by Dan Martensen.Styling by Clare Richardson``````172 Acceptable in the ’80sTina Brown recalls her initiation intothe art of New York power dressing176 Long story shortAge is no bar to wearing hair long,advises Kathleen Baird-Murray.Photographs by Richard Burbridge.Styling by Kate PhelanSUBSCRIBE TO Turn to page 70 for our fantastic subscription offer, plus free giftBeauty100 The Vogue Beauty AwardsThis year’s winning products,as voted for by readers104 Eternal youthHow to look your brilliant best, nomatter your age, by Funmi Fetto107 A bigger splashThe scents of summer. Photographby Coppi Barbieri108 About changeFrom creams to injectables – JessicaDiner investigates when to switch113 Beauty musingsNew trends and looks for summer115 ON THE COVERWellness special117 Blazing the trailThe proven health benefits ofcannabis are sparking ideas in thebeauty industry, says Lottie Winter118 Wellness musingsThe latest in fitness and health122 Worlds apartWhy are young people today feelinglonelier than ever? By Jessica Diner125 What’s eating you?Lorraine Pascale investigates thefoods that combat anxiety130 In the bagWorkout-friendly make-up thatwon’t run – even when you do132 Exercise by numbersFitness regimes for every stage of life134 How to live to 100The secret to becoming a centenarian?Edwina Ings-Chambers investigates137 Tech supportFitness trackers to keep youmotivated. Photograph byMitch Payne138 The time is nowLottie Winter reports on thetechnology that is revolutionisingwomen’s healthFashion and features142 The tide poolBright and breezy swimwear.Photographs by Alasdair McLellan.Styling by Venetia Scott``````Julia Cummingwears jacket, £455.Jeans, £420. BothMSGM. Vest, £30, LesGirls Les Boys. Belt,£95, Jessie Western.Vintage scarf, from£18, Rokit. Jewellery,from a selection, AraVartanian, ChromeHearts, Stone Parisand Tom Wood``````28``````COLLIER SCHORRCONTENTS“Thehighlight oflife on theroad? Crowd-surfing inTo k y o”Sonic boom, page 180

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