Twin sisters Simi and Haze Khadra, DJs andstreet-style stars, share everything, includinga love of gadgetry. Edited by Dena Giannini
DOUBLECLICKSâThe Skydio is a sports cameradrone that follows you withouthuman control, getting shots that areotherwise impossible to capture.âFrom £1,790,``````âNot only does the heatfrom a phone attract bacteria,but think how many surfacesyou put it on every day.The PhoneSoap [above, from£60,] usesUV rays to sanitise a phonewhile charging it. We useit each night.â``````SIMI AND HAZEâSFAVOURITE APPS8MM âWe love using this appwhen weâre on vacation withfriends or just to collect momentsbecause it creates little vignettesin different âeraâ filters, whichare really fun to reflect back on.âHEADSPACE âThis is an appthat teaches you how to meditate.We use it often with headphones.Itâs great when we canât get ourminds to quieten down, andwhen we really need to relaxand recentre during a breakin a busy schedule.â
âThe DevialetGold Phantom isthe best Bluetoothspeaker outthere. Itâs like aconcert in yourhome and soundsas if itâs 10times the size.âFrom £1,390,Devialet.comâThis little tracker helpsus find those things wealways lose. Itâs slim andsmall, so it can attach tokeys or slips into yourpurse. It works with anapp that pinpoints theGPS location and sendsan alert to your phonetelling you where it is.â£30,``````âWe cannot live without the Oral BGenius 9000. Every time we go to thedentist for cleaning, they tell us wehave already done their job â and weswear itâs because of this electrictoothbrush.â £300,``````âAnyone whoknows us knowswe always bringa portable party,and the Bang &Olufsen BeoplayP6 is loud!â £349,``````âAs well ascollecting dustand bacteria,the MolekuleAir Purifier[from £570,]destroyspollutants ona molecularlevel.â``````Simi and Haze indresses and shoesby Alexander Wang.Hair: Danilo.Make-up: SimonRihana. Styling:Britt McCamey.Photograph: MattEaston. With thanksto Hotel Covell,Los Angeles``````âThe Nesu Smart PhoneCard is made of gold andother metals that naturallyprotect against radiation.â£39,