Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

9 Rewrite the following with suitable phrases to introduce the examples in brackets.

(a) A few districts are famous for technological innovation. (Silicon Valley)
(b) Certain inventions have changed the way we live. (mobile phones)
(c) Some successful entrepreneurs have had little formal business education.
(Richard Branson)

10 What are the two ways of making a generalisation? Give examples.

11 Write two sentences, one active and one passive, using the information below.

Revision Exercise: Elements of Writing 157

Google 1996 began as researchproject by Page and Brin

12 Punctuate the following:

the twentyfirst century has seen the rise of the bric economies brazil russia
india and china the acronym was first used in a paper written by jim oneill in

13 What are the three main aims of good academic style?

14 What are the following visuals usually used to show?

(a) line graph
(b) diagram
(c) pie chart
(d) table
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