Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

  • Compare the three nouns:

Economics is a demanding undergraduate degree course.(academic subject)
The Greek economyis heavily in debt.(national economy, countable)
Economyis needed to reduce the deficit.(saving money, uncountable)

3 Practice A

 Insert a suitable noun or adjective from the table on p. 174 into each sentence.

(a) The students were ___ their project would be successful.

(b) One of Tokyo’s ___ is its excellent transport system.

(c) There is a strong ___ that fees will rise next year.

(d) The students complained that the lecture was not ___ to their course.

(e) The results are so surprising it will be ___ to repeat the experiment.

(f) The ___ household size in Turkey is 4.1.

(g) Regularly backing up computer files reduces the ___ of losing vital

(h) Revising for exams is a tedious ___.

(i) These data appear to be ___ and should not be trusted.

(j) The ___ sales figure for the year will be about three million.

(k) The ___ consequences of the war were inflation and unemployment.

(l) They attempted to make a ___ of all the different proposals.

4 Academic adjectives

The following adjectives are best understood and learnt as opposites:

absolute relative
abstract concrete
accurate inaccurate
ambiguous unambiguous
analytic synthetic
effective ineffective
exclusive inclusive
logical illogical
metaphorical literal
precise vague orapproximate orrough

174 Part 3: Vocabulary for Writing

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