3 Common conjunctions
Working with a partner, complete the table with as many examples of conjunctions as
186 Part 3: Vocabulary for Writing
Addition Result Reason Opposition Example Time
4 Practice B
Insert a suitable conjunction into each gap.
(a) ___ checking the equipment, the experiment was repeated.
(b) ___ most people use the train, a minority walk or cycle.
(c) Brick is a thermally efficient building material. It is, ___, cheap.
(d) Demand has increased for summer courses, ___ extra ones are offered
this year.
(e) Many writers, ___ Chekhov, have been doctors.
(f) ___ the increase in residence fees, more students are moving out.
(g) ___ the student was in the lecture, her car was being repaired.
(h) ___ he was studying Italian, he spent a semester in Bologna.
Conjunction Type Conjunction Type
(a) (f)
(b) (g)
(c) (h)
(d) (i)
(e) (j)
such as example