Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

Meaning suffixes

A few suffixes contribute to the meaning of the word:

-ABLE has the meaning of ‘ability’: a profitableproduct, variable prices

-WARDS means ‘in the direction of ’: the ship sailed northwards

-FUL and –LESS: hopeful news, a leaderlessteam

5 Practice B

 Give the word class and suggest possible meanings for:

(a) cancellation

(b) coincidental

(c) uncooperatively

(d) evolutionary

(e) protester

(f) unpredictable

(g) saleable

(h) interviewee

(i) consumerism

(j) symbolically

6 Practice C

 Study each sentence and find the meaning of the words underlined.

(a) The film is an Anglo-Italian co-productionmade by a subsidiarycompany.

(b) When the car crashed, she screamed involuntarilybut was unharmed.

(c) Using rechargeablebatteries has undoubtedbenefits for the environment.

(d) The unavailabilityof the product is due to the exceptionalweather.

(e) The miscommunicationled to a reorganisationof their software system.

 See Unit 3.3 Academic Vocabulary: Nouns and Adjectives

196 Part 3: Vocabulary for Writing

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