Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

Note the difference between phrasal verbs and verbs with prepositions:

The cars are made inKorea.(verb + preposition = easy to understand)
The researcher made upsome of his data.(phrasal verb = harder to understand)

2 Practice A

 Study these further examples of preposition use and decide on their type.

(a) There are a number of limitations to be considered. ( ___ )

(b) The results would be applicable toall employees. ( ___ )

(c) The data were gathered froma questionnaire. ( ___ )

(d) All the items were placed withintheir categories. ( ___ )

(e) The results of the investigation are still pertinent. ( ___ )

(f) The respondents had spent onaverage 4.9 years... ( ___ )

(g) Most countries insub-Saharan Africa... ( ___ )

(h) Withina short spell of four years he had ( ___ )

3 Prepositions and nouns

 Insert a suitable preposition in the sentences below.

(a) Evidence is presented in support ___ the value of women’s work.

(b) A small change ___ demand can lead to large price fluctuations.

198 Part 3: Vocabulary for Writing

Noun + preposition
Verb + proposition
Adjective + proposition
Phrasal verb
Preposition of place
Preposition of time

purpose of

 The table lists the main ways of using prepositions. Find one example of each in the

noun +
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