Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

1 Conducting surveys

What are the reasons for carrying out surveys in academic life?

 List your ideas below.

(a) ___

(b) ___

(c) ___

(d) ___

2 Questionnaire design

Writing an effective series of questions is a vital part of conducting a survey. You must think
carefully about what your aims are, and how to achieve them in the simplest way. There is no
value in collecting a mass of information that is irrelevant to your topic.




Surveys, in which people are asked questions about their behaviour or opinions, are
a common feature of academic work. This unit deals with the design of effective
questionnaires for surveys, and presents a suitable structure for reporting the

Note that these questionnaires are designed to collect data from large numbers of
people fairly quickly. Another research method uses a longer interview for a more
detailed response; this is not dealt with here.

To replicate other research
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