Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

4 Brainstorming

Possible answer:

International Tourism – Segmentation of market

How and why

  • Package holidays made foreign holidays popular in 1950s and 1960s

  • In 1960s, jet aircraft permitted faster travel – long and short haul holidays

  • In 1990s, budget airlines lowered costs – short breaks

  • Now, internet allows travellers to plan own holidays

Economic forces

  • Rising disposable incomes permit more spending on travel

  • Developing countries see tourism as route to growth

  • Older, retired people spend more on travel

5 Essay length

These figures are only a guide and individual students may have a different approach:

(a) Describe/How
Approximately 50:50

(b) Explain/Discuss
Approximately 30:70

(c) What/Discuss
Approximately 50:50

6 Outlines

(c) Lists are more logical, make it easier to allocate space, but are rather inflexible.
Mind maps are more flexible as extra items can be added easily.

(d) Possible outline:

Likely results

Decline in

Growth in delivery

Shopping centres
become entertainment

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