Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

(d) O interpreted falling unemployment as a sign of economic recovery.
(e) P identified/presented wind power and biomass as the leading green energy sources.
(f) Q described/portrayed Adam Smith as the most influential economist of the eighteenth

7 Practice C

Others are possible

(a) particularly
(b) Originally
(c) Alternatively
(d) Recently
(e) locally
(f) Clearly/Crucially

3.5 Conjunctions

1 Types of conjunctions

(a) A few inventions, for instancetelevision, have had a major impact on everyday life.
(b) In addition, a large volume of used cars are sold through dealerships.
(c) The definition of motivation is important sinceit is the cause of some disagreement.
(d) The technology allows consumers a choice, thusincreasing their sense of satisfaction.
(e) Four hundred people were interviewed for the survey, thenthe results were analysed.
(f) However, another body of opinion associates globalisation with unfavourable outcomes.
(ii) d
(iii) c
(iv) f
(v) a
(vi) e

2 Practice A

Conjunction Type Conjunction Type
(a) such as example (f) in other words example
(b) but opposition (g) instead of opposition
(c) Although opposition (h) Consequently result
(d) for instance example (i) and addition
(e) however opposition (j) neither... nor opposition

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