Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1
issue topic predict forecast
method system prohibit ban
option possibility quote cite
quotation citation raise increase
results findings reduce decrease
statistics figures respond reply
study research retain keep
trend tendency show demonstrate
output production strengthen reinforce

3 Practice A

Model answers:

(a) Professor Hicks challengedthe resultsof the study.
(b) The figuresdemonstratea steady risein student numbers.
(c) The institute’s forecasthas caused a major debate.
(d) Cost seems to be the principaldisadvantageto that method.
(e) They will focusonthe first possibility.
(f) During the lecture, she tried to explainher theory.
(g) Three topicsneed to be evaluated.
(h) The structurecan be keptbut the aimneeds to be modified.
(i) OPEC, the oil producers’ cartel, is to reduceoutputto increaseglobal prices.
(j) The tendencyto smaller families has acceleratedin the last decade.

4 Practice B

UK – British – this country
agency – organisation – body
advertising campaign – publicity programme – advertising blitz
to raise – to improve
to cut – reduction
before eating – prior to meals

5 Practice C

Model answers:

build/make vehicles
car makers
principal problem
automobile producers

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