Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

Conclusion The final section of an essay or report (see Unit 1.10)

Contraction A shortened form (e.g. she’s, I’d)

Criteria(singular – criterion) The principles on which something is judged or based

Deadline The final date for completing a piece of work

Draft The first attempt at a piece of writing

Edited book A book with contributions from a number of writers,
controlled by an editor

Extract A piece of text taken from a longer work

Flow chart Diagram that illustrates the stages of a process

Formality In written work, the use of a non-idiomatic style and

Format The standard pattern of layout for a text

Heading The title of a section of text

Higher degree A Master’s degree or Doctorate

Hypothesis A theory that a researcher is attempting to explore/test

Introduction The first part of an essay or article (see Unit 1.10)

Journal An academic publication in a specialised area, usually
published quarterly (see Unit 1.2)

Literature review A section of an article describing other research on the
topic in question (see Unit 4.3)

Main body The principal part of an essay, after the introduction
and before the conclusion

Margin The strip of white space on a page around the text

Module Most academic courses are divided into modules, which
examine a specified topic

Outline A preparatory plan for a piece of writing (see Unit 1.4)

Paraphrase A rewriting of a text with substantially different
wording and organisation but similar ideas

Peer-review The process of collecting comment from academic
authorities on an article before publication in a journal;
this system gives increased validity to the publication

Phrase A few words that are commonly combined (see
Unit 1.1)

298 Glossary

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