Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

6 Outlines

An outline should help the writer to answer the question as effectively as possible. Care at this
stage will save wasted effort later. The more detail you include in your outline, the easier the
writing process will be.

Note that for coursework, it is usually better to write the main body first, then the introduction
and finally the conclusion. Therefore, you may prefer to outline just the main body at this

There is no fixed pattern for an outline; different methods appeal to different students.

For example, with the first part of title 2(a) above:

‘Summarise the main reasons for the growth of e-commerce’

(a) The outline might be a list:

1 Benefits for buyers

  • greater convenience in shopping by computer at any time

  • lower prices

  • better choice.

2 Benefits for sellers

  • cost saving by centralising distribution

  • global customer base

  • 24/7 trading.

(b) An alternative is a mind map:

1.4:From Understanding Titles to Planning 33

Greater convenience in shopping by computer at any time

Lower prices

Better choice

Cost saving by centralising distribution 24/7 trading

Global customer base

Benefits for buyers

Benefits for sellers

 (c) Discuss the advantages and drawbacks of each method with a partner.

 (d) Prepare an outline for the second part of the same title, using either method:

‘Discuss the likely results of this.’

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