Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

7 Practice C

 Use the information below to write a paragraph about Bill Gates.

1955 Bill Gates was born, the second child in a middle-class Seattle family

1968 At age 13, he became interested in writing computer programmes

1975 Gates and his school friend Allen started a programming business called

1980 IBM asked Microsoft to write operating system (called MS-DOS) for its new PC

1985 Microsoft launched Windows operating system

1995 Gates became the richest man in world

2006 He stepped down from working at Microsoft to focus on his charitable foundation

8 Vocabulary revision

 (a) Decide if the following are nouns or adjectives, and then complete the table with
the missing words.

  • liquidity

  • reluctant

  • stable

  • prosperity

  • controversial

  • conclusive

68 Part 1: The Writing Process

1 It has been argued that a rise in the rate of home ownership can
increase the rate of unemployment.




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