April 2019
Skavenblight Dinge:
Basecoat the trousers/skirt.
Dark Reaper: Apply a
basecoat to the outer robes.
Dawnstone: Apply a
basecoat to the jumpers.
Cadian Fleshtone: Apply a
basecoat to the skin.
Celestra Grey: Apply a
basecoat to the shirt.
Dryad Bark: Apply a basecoat
to the wands and Harry’s hair.
Khorne Red: Apply a basecoat
to the inner robes, edging,
scarves and school crest.
XV-88: Apply a basecoat to
Hermione’s hair.
Jokaero Orange: Apply a
basecoat to Ron’s hair.
Nuln Oil: Apply a wash
over the jumpers, trousers
and exterior cloaks.
Druchii Violet: Apply a
wash to the reds.
Reikland Fleshshade:
Apply a wash to the skin.
Agrax Earthshade: Apply
a wash to everyone’s hair.
Dawnstone: Apply a layer to
the jumpers and highlight the
trousers. Add a line highlight
to Harry’s hair.
Russ Grey: Apply a line
highlight to the robes.
Ulthuan Grey: Apply a layer
to the shirts.
Wazdakka Red: Line highlight
the underrobes, scarf and ties.
Kislev Flesh: Apply a layer
to the skin.
XV-88: Paint the wands.
Averland Sunset: Apply
stripes to the ties and scarf.
Jokaero Orange: Apply a
line highlight to Ron’s hair.
Tallarn Sand: Apply a line
highlight to Hermione’s hair.
Celestra Grey: Highlight
the jumpers and trousers.
Fenrisian Grey: Apply edge and
spot highlights to the robes.
Ceramite White: Apply a
highlight to the shirt.
Slaanesh Grey: Apply a
spot highlight to the reds.
Flayed One Flesh: Apply a
highlight to the skin.
Karak Stone: Add a spot
highlight to the wand tips.
Yriel Yellow: Scarf and ties.
Lugganath Orange: Apply a
spot highlight to Ron’s hair.
Blue Horror: Spot highlight
Harry’s hair.
Balor Brown: Apply a spot
highlight to Hermione’s hair.
Each model is split up into four stages, each
with a list of colours and the corresponding
paint that was used for it. Each stage uses a
diff erent technique to achieve a similar eff ect
on each element but with diff erent colours.
Stage 1 is basecoating. Base colours are
applied using fl at colours. Since the models are
primed a lighter colour these initial coats are
applied slightly watered-down, around two parts
paint to one part water.
Stage 2 is shading. During this stage we apply
washes and glazes to the more shadowed
areas of the miniatures, particularly the lower
edges and undersides.
Stage 3 is layering. This stage involves applying
a layer of a lighter colour, generally focused
towards the top of the model, avoiding the
areas previously shaded. This guide also
features a lot of line highlights at this stage.
This involves applying a thin line of paint to the
raised areas and straight edges of the area.
Stage 4 is for fi nal details and highlights. This
stage involves adding the fi nishing touches,
sometimes just small details like the eyes, or
adding small highlights to increase defi nition.
If you fi nd yourself unsure of where to apply
the highlights or spot highlights, look over the
images alongside the guide and compare that
stage to the last.
Abaddon Black
Agrax Earthshade
Averland Sunset
Balor Brown
Blue Horror
Bugmans Glow
Cadian Fleshtone
Caledor Sky
Castellan Green
Celestra Grey
Ceramite White
Dark Reaper
Deathclaw Brown
Death World
Dechala Lilac
Doombull Brown
Druchii Violet
Dryad Bark
Fenrisian Grey
Flayed One Flesh
Fulgrim Pink
Genestealer Purple
Incubi Darkness
Ionrach Skin
Jokaero Orange
Karak Stone
Khorne Red
Kislev Flesh
Liberator Gold
Loren Forest
Lugganath Orange
Mournfang Brown
Nuln Oil
Rakarth Flesh
Retributor Armour
Russ Grey
Skavenblight Dinge
Skrag Brown
Slaanesh Grey
Steel Legion Drab
Sycorax Bronze
Tallarn Sand
Teclis Blue
Temple Guard Blue
Ulthuan Grey
Wazdakka Red
Xereus Purple
Yriel Yellow
Zandri Dust