Science - USA (2020-05-22)

(Antfer) #1 SCIENCE

other factors identified as being involved in
retinal regeneration in zebrafish have been
shown to stimulate some Müller cell prolif-
eration and neuronal regeneration in mice.
Regenerated bipolar and amacrine cells,
as well as rod photoreceptors, have so far
been identified in mouse retinas, and these
cells are responsive to light stimuli ( 9 , 10 ).
Further, cells postsynaptic to the regener-
ated neurons are activated by light stimuli,
indicating that the regenerated neurons
have been incorporated into the retinal
neural circuitry. So far, the regenerative ca-
pacity of mammalian Müller cells is limited,
but directed differentiation of specific types
of neurons with a mix of factors appears to
be a possibility. Regrowth of ganglion cell

axons after the optic nerve is disrupted is
also under active investigation, and al-
though the number of axons regrowing is
low (~10%), those that do regrow establish
synaptic connections with their correct tar-
gets ( 11 ). Therefore, endogenous regenera-
tion is still far from clinical testing, but sub-
stantial progress has occurred.
A long-studied area of research is trans-
plantation of retinal cells, particularly
photoreceptors, into diseased retinas. In
experiments with mice, transplanted post-
mitotic rod photoreceptor precursor cells
derived from embryonic retinas or from
stem cells appeared to integrate into dis-
eased retinas in reasonable numbers and
to be functional. A surprising and unex-
pected complication in the interpretation
of these experiments was recently discov-
ered. Rather than integrating into diseased
retinas, the donor cells appear to pass
material (RNA or protein) into remain-
ing host photoreceptor cells, rejuvenating
them, and these appear to be most of the
functional cells ( 12 ). The current evidence

suggests that only a small proportion of
the donor cells integrate, but progress in
overcoming this setback is being made.
More success has been reported with
stem cells induced to become pigment epi-
thelial (PE) cells, which provide essential
support for photoreceptors. A number of
blinding retinal diseases relate to the de-
generation of the PE cells, and replacement
using such cells—in a suspension or on a
scaffold—is being actively pursued. PE cells
do not need to integrate synaptically with
retinal cells; they simply need to contact the
photoreceptor cells. This is achieved when
PE cells are placed between the retina and
the back of the eye. Early clinical trials sug-
gest that the transplants are safe, but reti-

nal detachment, a serious complication, can
occur and efficacy has yet to be shown ( 13 ).
The finding that donor photoreceptor
cells can help diseased host retinal cells
to recover function suggests that certain
substances can provide neuroprotection.
Indeed, a substantial number of such neu-
roprotective molecules have been shown to
affect retinal disease progression, especially
degeneration of photoreceptor cells. No one
factor has been shown to be effective gener-
ally, but two have received much attention.
One, ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF),
promotes photoreceptor survival in light-
induced photoreceptor degeneration and in
several other models of retinal degeneration
( 14 ). Some evidence suggests that CNTF acts
primarily on Müller cells, but how it works,
and on what cells, is still unclear. The other
factor, rod-derived cone viability (RDCV)
factor, has received less research attention,
but with recent industrial support, it is now
being advanced to the clinic. Current evi-
dence indicates that RCDV factor protects
cones after rod degeneration.

Two of the most common retinal dis-
eases in developed countries—age-related
macular degeneration (AMD), the leading
cause of legal blindness (visual acuity of
less than 20/200), and glaucoma, the lead-
ing cause of total blindness—are not mono-
genic diseases, and so genetic treatments
for them are not obvious. Attempts to un-
derstand the etiology of these diseases are
under way, but currently their underlying
causes are still unclear. A difficulty pre-
sented by AMD is that no animal model is
readily available, because it is a disease of
the fovea, which mediates high-acuity vi-
sion. Except for primates, other mammals
do not possess this small critical retinal
area. Whereas large primates are not fea-
sible for extensive cellular or molecular
studies, small primates such as marmosets
that have a fovea are potential models but
have not been used much to date.
Other approaches for restoring vision
have been suggested and have even yielded
some progress. From both normal hu-
mans and those with an inherited retinal
disease, skin biopsy cells can be induced
to form tiny retinal eyecups called organ-
oids ( 15 ). Containing all retinal cell types,
these structures could be a source of reti-
nal cells for studying retinal disease devel-
opment and possible therapies, as well as
for cell transplantation. A fovea has not
been observed in any organoid so far, but
this is not beyond the realm of possibility.
Another suggested approach is to surgi-
cally transplant whole eyes into blind indi-
viduals. This appears feasible, but whether
there is sufficient optic nerve regrowth re-
mains an open question. j


  1. J. E. Dowling, K. M. Wright, Eds., special issue on
    Restoring Vision to the Blind. Trans. Vis. Sci. Tech. 3 (7)

  2. J. O. Mills, A. Jalil, P. E. Stanga, Eye 31 , 1383 (2017).

  3. A. D. Deemer et al., Optom. Vis. Sci. 95 , 694 (2018).

  4. E. Fernández, R. A. Normann, in Artificial Vision, V. P.
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  5. S. Russell et al., Lancet 390 , 849 (2017).

  6. A. V. Garafalo et al., Prog. Ret. Eye Res. 10.1016/
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  7. J.-A. Sahel, J. Bennett, B. Roska, Sci. Transl. Med. 11 ,
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  8. J. F. Martin, R. A. Poché, Development 146 , dev182642

  9. N. L. Jorstad et al., Nature 548 , 103 (2017).
    1 0. F. B e i et al., Cell 164 , 219 (2016).

  10. S. G. Varadarajan, A. D. Huberman, Curr. Opin. Neurobiol.
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  11. R. A. Pearson et al., Nat. Commun. 7 , 13029 (2016).

  12. M. S. Mehat et al., Ophthalmology 125 , 1765 (2018).

  13. E. Y. Chew et al., Ophthalmology 126 , 540 (2019).

  14. E. E. Capowski et al., Development 146 , dev171686

I am gr ateful to the participants of the Lasker/IRRF study on
Restoring Vision to the Blind ( 1 ) who provided recent findings
in the field.








Visual axis



epithelium Optic nerve

Amacrine cells
Bipolar cells
Horizontal cells



Müller cells


The eye and retina
The retina lines the back of the eye and consists of rod and cone photoreceptors, as well as four types of neuron:
second-order bipolar and horizontal cells and third-order retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and amacrine cells.
Müller glial cells fill the spaces between the neurons. The pigment epithelium, critical for photoreceptor function,
underlies the retina. Photoreceptors and RGCs are most susceptible to blinding retinal disease. Progress in
combating photoreceptor degeneration has been made, but there are few strategies to address RGC loss.

828 22 MAY 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6493
Published by AAAS
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