Science - USA (2020-05-22)

(Antfer) #1
836 22 MAY 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6493 SCIENCE



or those of us who travel for a living, the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
crisis carries extra bite. Books such
as Gina Rae La Cerva’s Feasting Wild
offer a balm of sorts, transporting the
reader out of lockdown and into a
world of little-known and endangered fla-
vors on the margins of where human soci-
ety rubs against wild ecosystems.
Feasting Wild is an ambitious book that
asks a big question: What does it mean to
eat wild food? Like most big questions, the
answer can differ depending on the scale. La
Cerva approaches this question both from a
personal perspective and through
the voices of diverse groups, rang-
ing from Polish foresters to urban
chefs foraging for wild treats in
graveyards. She shines light on
the larger context of humanity’s
relationship with wild foods in
snippets and glances, giving the
reader little jewels of introspec-
tion and observation. This is a
journalistic exploration based on
phenomenological research—and
a very good one.
La Cerva warmly welcomes
readers along for an intimate
journey into the world of wild
food. Together, we visit corners of
the world’s food system that have
rarely been explored in print at
this level of detail—places such
as Borneo, where La Cerva de-
scribes the exacting preparation of a bird’s
nest for consumption, and the forests of
Sweden, where she takes us along on a
moose hunt and then walks us through the
difficult work of processing the meat.
We also vicariously experience some very
interesting meals. At Noma, a high-end,
avant-garde restaurant in Copenhagen, for
example, unusual ferments ranging from
lacto-fermented raspberries to preserved
mosses offer a good bridge into the compli-
cated world of bushmeat preparation.
At times, the intimacy of the book crosses
into the literal. There is a love affair and

hints of a free-range childhood, seasoned
with sketches any field researcher would
instantly recognize: humidity, uneasy
interviews, rattling bush planes, and ques-
tionable motorcycle trips. La Cerva reveals
the landscape in brightly lit detail and
gives generously of herself, and the result
makes for a suitably satisfying feast.
The opening third of the book jumps
rapidly from Copenhagen to the forests of
Poland and includes glimpses of La Cerva’s
childhood in the desert of New Mexico.
The richness of the book shows through in
glimmers here, but I felt the overall theme
of wild food, loss, and change was scat-
tered at first. Some of this was personal.

I grew up in a town similar to the Danish
commune of Christiania; the “free society”
that La Cerva marvels at while exploring
Copenhagen reminds me of bickering over
chores, and her sense of wonder falls flat.
La Cerva finds her voice in Part Two.
Her description of the bushmeat trade in
the Democratic Republic of Congo is one
of the most tightly crafted and engaging
pieces of writing I have enjoyed in years.
Here, the pages flow by like the great riv-
ers of the Congo Basin, taking the reader
through the realities of the bushmeat trade
and the desires of the eater. La Cerva is not
blind to the pressure that bushmeat con-
sumption puts on endangered species or to
the economic realities that drive the bush-
meat trade. However, she also captures the
cultural importance of bushmeat, a factor

we will need to consider as conversations
regarding the role of wild foods in the
spread of zoonotic viruses continue.
We follow the meat as it travels to the
markets of Paris and, in doing so, fall
deeper into the author’s life. Her love af-
fair with the man we know only as “the
Hunter” and the wildness he represents
provide a counterpoint for the wild foods
she seeks to capture.
The final third of the book is a
fitting denouement. In the woods
of Sweden, wood smoke and the
chill of the passing seasons help
La Cerva tie up open narratives.
Her sudden shift in this section
to the exploration of the edible
bird’s nest industry came as a des-
sert of sorts. Although she does
not manage to access the wild
bird caves where edible nests are
harvested, she does uncover the
reality of nest farming. When she
tastes tea brewed from the nests
and describes its underwhelming
flavor, we are reminded that in
the case of wild food, the myth
often overshadows the tepid re-
ality. I was a little disappointed
that this section was so short, but
that is my usual reaction to desserts, both
real and literary.
Feasting Wild did have one weakness
that is worth mentioning. The book cleaves
tightly to the narrative of wilderness as
paradise lost, a fallen kingdom. As Wil-
liam Cronon noted in 1995 in the New York
Times Magazine, prompting a canon of re-
lated literature, wilderness is a profoundly
human creation, the result of a particular
set of human cultures at a specific moment
in their history ( 1 ). This is, however, a minor
quibble, given how deeply this book spoke
to me as a kindred traveler. j


  1. W. Cronon, “The trouble with wilderness,” The New York
    Times Magazine, 13 August 1995.



By Lenore Newman

Diversity and the dinner plate

An intimate exploration of foraged flavors brings nuance to the wild food discussion

Feasting Wild: In Search
of the Last Untamed Food
Gina Rae La Cerva
Greystone Books, 2020.
336 pp.

Quail eggs at Noma evoke the wild foods for which the restaurant is known.


The reviewer is at the Department of Geography and
the Environment, University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford,
BC, Canada, and the author of Lost Feast: Culinary
Extinction and the Future of Food(ECW Press, 2019).
Email: lenore. [email protected]

Published by AAAS
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