Nature - USA (2020-05-14)

(Antfer) #1

198 | Nature | Vol 581 | 14 May 2020


These results demonstrate that the signalling of IGLNPY neurons project-
ing specifically to SCN is required for entrainment to TRF.

Here we reveal that early innervation by ipRGCs affects the assembly
of a functional IGLNPY–SCN circuit. Moreover, the correct assembly of
this circuit is necessary for the circadian anticipatory responses that
are associated with TRF in adult mice.
The integration of environmental cues occurs widely in the nervous
system. It has been extensively documented that early ablation of reti-
nal input to the superior colliculus—a major node of multisensory inte-
gration^23 —leads to an extensive rewiring of its sensory inputs^24 , causing
the strengthening of responses to nonvisual stimuli^25 ,^26. On the basis of
these results, our original expectation was that ablating the innervation
by ipRGCs to brain centres would cause a strengthening of circadian
entrainment to nonphotic modalities. Our results show a weakening
of nonphotic entrainment in mice that lack early retinal innervation
to brain targets. Therefore, we propose that the retina–IGLNPY–SCN
circuits do not follow the conventional model of early plasticity that
has been described for the image-forming visual system.
Feeding behaviour is the result of the integration of multiple
responses to food, including energy homeostasis^27 , hedonic reward^28
and memory traces^29 , as well as anticipation to timed food availability
driven by a food-entrainable oscillator^30 ,^31. Our results suggest that
IGLNPY neurons require retinal innervation to the SCN during early devel-
opment for normal circuit assembly, and act as a node of connection
between the food-entrainable-oscillator network and the central pace-
maker of the SCN in adult mice (Extended Data Fig. 8, Supplementary

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acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author con-
tributions and competing interests; and statements of data and code
availability are available at

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