Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 446 (2020-05-15)

(Antfer) #1


Though Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google
Meet aren’t the only three options to consider

  • Webex, Skype, and Talky are popular
    alternatives - they are the most popular, and
    thus the most likely to be updated with new
    features and kept secure. There’s no denying
    that all three have issues, particularly Zoom,
    which has had to shift from a business-focused
    solution to a global video conferencing
    package overnight, but the firm has made
    strides towards improving its offering during
    a truly challenging time, and it remains free
    to use.

Zoom has also confirmed that it will
freeze all new product development until
it’s robust. Microsoft, on the other hand,
makes the most sense for organizations
and schools who already use the Microsoft
Office 365 ecosystem, but with a growing
number of firms transitioning to macOS
in recent years, a Windows-powered app
seems counterintuitive.

Alternatively, Google Meet is easy to use, has
functionality that rivals Zoom and Microsoft
Teams, and is available for free for consumers
and small businesses until September.
Where Google also wins is in its security and
encryption; not only does Google have a
proven track record for keeping consumer
data secure, but meetings require a
25-character string to enter, it meets the
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) and it’s baked into Google’s existing
products, making it the preferred choice
for video-conferencing.

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