Beginner's Guide To Quilting - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

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he top and bottom edges of a
quilt are often forgotten, but
there’s no reason why they too
can’t look their best. Adding
embellishments to these edges can
give the piece a very ethnic feel.
Finishing the top and bottom edges
involves turning the project inside
out; therefore some of the
embellishments along these edges
must be stitched between the front
and back layers before turning.

Fabric triangles used to finish the edges
on a project are often called prairie
points, or crowns when they’re used to
adorn the top edge of a project. Crowns
can be all one size or assorted sizes.

(^1) You’ll always start with a square. Press
the square in half, wrong sides together.
(^2) Fold one corner toward the centre on
the diagonal and align the raw edges.
Press the fabric.
(^3) Repeat step 2, folding the other corner
toward the centre and press.
(^4) When the project is completely
finished, the side with the folded edges
should face the back of the project. With
that in mind, position the crowns along
the top edge with the folded side facing up
as shown. Baste 3mm (^18 in) from the raw
edge to hold the crowns in place.
When a folded triangle is used along the
bottom of a project, it’s called a jewel. A
jewel is constructed and positioned in the
same manner as a crown. You can use a
fabric square or you can make an
elongated jewel using a rectangle.
A To make an elongated jewel, start with
a 11.5x15cm (4½x6in) rectangle of fabric.
Along the bottom edge, fold over 1.3cm
(½in) to the wrong side and press.
B With the wrong side up, fold one corner
diagonally towards the centre. Press.
C Fold the other corner diagonally
toward the centre as shown and press.
Picture the jewel divided into parts
marked A, B, and C.
D Fold the jewel, aligning the A folded
edge with B. Press.
E Fold the other side so that the C folded
edge lines up with the folded edge on the
opposite side. Press; turn the jewel over
and trim off the excess fabric.
F Position the jewels along the bottom
edge with the folded side facing up as
shown. Baste 3mm (^18 in) from the raw
edge to hold the jewels in place.
Why stick to plain borders and binding? Cheryl Lynch is
here to show you how to dress up the edges of your quilts
Adding Texture
138 Beginner’s Guide to Quilting
Add interest to your
quilt edges by jazzing
them up with crowns,
jewels, beads or trims!
© Martingale. From
Sew Embellished
by Cheryl Lynch.
Photography: Brent Kane

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