Beginner's Guide To Quilting - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

Patchwork Made Easy

50 Beginner’s Guide to Quilting

Summer tent

Use pretty patchwork to magic up a hideaway

that children will love, by Alexandra Smith


Q Basic quilting kit, see page 16
Q Bright print fabric: 3½ yds x 45in
(3.2m x 114cm)
Q Cotton twill tape: 3 yards (2.75m)
Q Print fabrics for patchwork: 3½
yards (3m) in total, made up of
around eight different patterns

  • about ½ yard (45cm) each of
    45in (114cm) wide fabric pieces
    Q One patterned double bed
    Q Pattern paper (or newspaper)
    and pencil
    Q Rope or sturdy string for hanging

Seam allowance
Q ¼in (5mm) seams


s a child, there’s something
magical in having a special
place for hiding away on a long
summer’s afternoon – a secret place to
read or daydream, in a kaleidoscope
of colours,” says designer Alexandra
Smith, also known as popular craft
blogger Lola Nova. “Maybe a rainy-day
refuge is in order, a nook in which to
foster daydreams. This patchwork tent
will be the delight of the young-at-
heart, no matter the age. Oh, and it’s
reversible too, for two different looks!”

Tape together sheets of pattern paper
or newspaper. With a long ruler or
other straight edge, draw a right-
angled triangle with the following
measurements: 18^18 x 31 x 36in (46 x 79
x 91.5cm) – see the ‘Tent flap template’
on page 53. Cut out the pattern piece
along the drawn lines.^1

From the bright print fabric, cut:
fabric. Using just over 1 yard (90cm)
of fabric, fold it in half matching the
selvedge edges. Pin the triangle in
position and cut out two flaps.
Reposition the triangle pattern and
cut out two more flaps. Lay out your

pattern pieces on the fabric to cut
the correct four triangle flap pieces,
as shown in the photo below.^2

For the patchwork pieces, cut:
s฀฀ 4WENTY
from the various print fabrics.

From the cotton twill tape, cut:
(40cm) lengths.

From the patterned bed sheet, cut:
(123 x 184cm) rectangle for the
reverse side of the tent.

Step 1 Lay out the fabric squares in six
rows of four and adjust the placement
of the squares until you’re happy with
the result. Make stacks of squares for
each row in the correct order and pin
together. This will help you make sure
that the placement comes out as you
planned when you start sewing.^3

Step 2 Pin together the first two squares
of your first row, right sides together, with
raw edges matching, and stitch
together along one edge taking a ¼in
(5mm) seam allowance. Stitch the third
square to the first two squares and then

12 3 4

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