Cross Stitch Favourites - UK (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1

Bright idea

If you’re not a fan of backstitch, then you’re in luck –
the lion and the fox require whole stitches only. For
those who enjoy the challenge though, the wolf ’s
spiky hair will provide plenty of practise.


Wash your stitched piece
using warm water and a
mild detergent. Dry, then press
on the reverse side using a cool
iron. Using the inner hoop as a
template, cut out the stitched
piece so that it is 4cm (1½in)
larger in diameter than the
hoop. Cut white felt slightly
smaller than the inner hoop.


Insert the stitched piece
into the hoop, making sure
that the design is straight and
central within the hoop, with
the screw at the top. Make sure

the screw is fastened tightly, so
that the stitched piece is taut,
like a drum skin.


Sew a row of running stitch
around the outside and
gather the edge to secure the
stitching at the back. Position
the white felt over the back of
the hoop and tack in place, to
protect the reverse side of the
stitched piece.


Cut a length of ribbon and
loop it around the top of
the screw so that the hoop is
ready for hanging.

How to make up the hoops

Geometric animals

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