2019-05-01 Money Australia

(Steven Felgate) #1


hether you’re starting
out in business, building
a side hustle or expand-
ing an already successful
business, you can leverage
the power of social media.
Becoming an influencer in your own right
isn’t difficult. You can build a strong presence,
and use “influencer marketing” strategies
to cash in on the ever-growing number of
people spending more and more time (and
money) on social media, when you follow
these three steps.

You’ve got to decide what it is that you
want to sell online – be it a physical product
or even yourself as an influencer.
There are two main things to be aware of
in the decision-making phase.
The first is to find something that you
want to sell and that you know is needed. If
it’s something you’re also passionate about,
that is even better! And if it’s “Brand You” you
want to sell (in other words, you become an
influencer), then social media is the way to go.
Once you have made that decision, it’s
important to then choose the specific audience
you want to sell this to.
If, for example, you have seen the rise in the
popularity of soy candles and you know there
is a market for them, you would then double
down on the next steps, making soy candles
the hero of all of your social media efforts.
You could share the life of a soy candle
from concept to production to retail to the
home. You may have decided that the peo-
ple who buy these candles are women who
love to decorate their home and have it well
scented at all times. They love the fact that
marketing a product
or yourself online,
these strategies can
harness the power
of social media to
make money

Under the influence



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