F1 Racing - UK (2020-07)

(Antfer) #1
GPRacing:How doesFormu la 1 fit into your
marketing strategy?

DanielObajtek:PKN Orlen is already a global
brand. You’ll find our asphalt as far afield as
Mauritius or the Samoan Islands. Our oils are severely
tested during the Dakar Rally and we have a chain of
over 2,800 fuel stations in Germany, Czech Republic,
Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia. Nevertheless, we aspire
to enhance our brand recognition even more, because
this translates into customer interest. For that purpose,
we are implementing a co-brandingprocess at our
foreign gas stations.
We anticipate that ultimately Orlen will be the exclusive
brand in all facilities. To strengthen awareness, we also
invest in several sporting disciplines. In 2019 alone the
advertising equivalent of our brand’s exposure on TV
exceeded $44million – after all, Formula 1 races are
watched by two billion viewers around thewor ld.

GPR:What other value does a corporation such as Orlen
get from sports sponsorship?

DO:According to a study by the market research company
ARC, PKN Orlen is consistently perceived as the most
proactive sponsor of sports events in Poland, 13% aheadof
Adidas. Our brand enjoys almost 100% recognition on the
domestic market. However, as a company whose products
are present in over 116 countries, on five continents, with
60% of revenuesgenerated abroad, we must also think of
the global reach ofthe brand. Locally this translatesdire ctly
into an increase in retail sales.
Over the last year the sale of fuels in the entire Orlen
Group increased by 4%while the sale of non-fuel items
also grew. One in five Polish drivers say our co-operation
with Robert Kubica makes them use our products and
services more often. Sports sponsorship worldwideprovides
an invaluable boost to our business activities, including
oil and asphalt sales. Exposure of our logo during races
makes it easier toestablish relationships with global
trade partners, and sometimes it’s crucial for such
relationships to materialise.

GPR:Other fuel companies present in Formula 1 are
involved in technologicaldevel opment as well as
using it as a marketing vehicle. Would you consider
following this route?

DO:As a technology partner, we already have extensive
experience in motorsport. For yearswe’ve been cooperating
with cross-country drivers whotest our greases and oils
in the extreme conditions that prevail atthe Dakar Rally,
among others. Perhaps we already have sufficient know-how
to become a tech partner in F1 aswell. We do notexclude
that. After all, three years ago nobody would have imagined
that a Polish company could become a partner of an F1
team. Of course, we’re still at the beginning. F1 is changing,
its techni cal regulations and financial rules are changing
too. We’ve prepared various scenarios for the future.

GPR:Many other energy companies arelooking to diversify
away from hydrocarbons in the future. What’s your strategy
for adapting to change in the coming years?

DO:We are fully aware of thecurrent tren ds and are
already investing inthe de velopment of petrochemicals
and low-emissionpow er generation. We’ve just completed
the acquisitionof Energa Group, one of the Polish power
companieswith the biggestshare of renewable sourcesused
for power generation. This will diversify our production and
increase our potential inthe development of alternative fuels.

GPR:What have been the main challenges to your business
during the COVID-19 pandemic?

DO:As a global player on the fuel market, we feel
responsible for the Polish economy. Of course, the
continuity of fuel supplies and safety for our employees
are of paramount importance. We’ve demonstrated 100%
efficiency in those two areas. The implementation of
appropriate procedureseffectively eliminatedpotential
risks, but as a socially responsible company we wanted to do
more than just secure our business. That’s why we decided
to support the health care professionals and uniformed
services and all Poles in the fight against the pandemic.


02 Business profile




Polski KoncernNaftowy Orlenis Polish-based butwith a growing

international footprint.The state-owned energy corporation,which

supported Rober t Kubica’s return to Formula 1 and is now titl e sponsor
of the Alfa Romeo team, began expanding internationally inthe early

2000 s and now operates fuel stations all over Europe. And wherever you
go in the world, you may be drivingon asphalt it supplied...



President of the
Management Board
and CEO,PKN Orlen
CEO Energa SA
Supervisory Board
Supervisory Board
member, Dalmor SA
Restructuring and
Mayor, GminaPcim


Orlen Group



GPRacing:How doesFormu la 1 fit into your
marketing strategy?

DanielObajtek:PKN Orlen is already a global
brand. You’ll find our asphalt as far afield as
Mauritius or the Samoan Islands. Our oils are severely
tested during the Dakar Rally and we have a chain of
over 2,800 fuel stations in Germany, Czech Republic,
Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia. Nevertheless, we aspire
to enhance our brand recognition even more, because
this translates into customer interest. For that purpose,
we are implementing a co-brandingprocess at our
foreign gas stations.
We anticipate that ultimately Orlen will be the exclusive
brand in all facilities. To strengthen awareness, we also
invest in several sporting disciplines. In 2019 alone the
advertising equivalent of our brand’s exposure on TV
exceeded $44million – after all, Formula 1 races are
watched by two billion viewers around thewor ld.

GPR:What other value does a corporation such as Orlen
get from sports sponsorship?

DO:According to a study by the market research company
ARC, PKN Orlen is consistently perceived as the most
proactive sponsor of sports events in Poland, 13% aheadof
Adidas. Our brand enjoys almost 100% recognition on the
domestic market. However, as a company whose products
are present in over 116 countries, on five continents, with
60% of revenuesgenerated abroad, we must also think of
the global reach ofthe brand. Locally this translatesdire ctly
into an increase in retail sales.
Over the last year the sale of fuels in the entire Orlen
Group increased by 4%while the sale of non-fuel items
also grew. One in five Polish drivers say our co-operation
with Robert Kubica makes them use our products and
services more often. Sports sponsorship worldwideprovides
an invaluable boost to our business activities, including
oil and asphalt sales. Exposure of our logo during races
makes it easier toestablish relationships with global
trade partners, and sometimes it’s crucial for such
relationships to materialise.

GPR:Other fuel companies present in Formula 1 are
involved in technologicaldevel opment as well as
using it as a marketing vehicle. Would you consider
following this route?

DO:As a technology partner, we already have extensive
experience in motorsport. For yearswe’ve been cooperating
with cross-country drivers whotest our greases and oils
in the extreme conditions that prevail atthe Dakar Rally,
among others. Perhaps we already have sufficient know-how
to become a tech partner in F1 aswell. We do notexclude
that. After all, three years ago nobody would have imagined
that a Polish company could become a partner of an F1
team. Of course, we’re still at the beginning. F1 is changing,
its techni cal regulations and financial rules are changing
too. We’ve prepared various scenarios for the future.

GPR:Many other energy companies arelooking to diversify
away from hydrocarbons in the future. What’s your strategy
for adapting to change in the coming years?

DO:We are fully aware of thecurrent tren ds and are
already investing inthe de velopment of petrochemicals
and low-emissionpow er generation. We’ve just completed
the acquisitionof Energa Group, one of the Polish power
companieswith the biggestshare of renewable sourcesused
for power generation. This will diversify our production and
increase our potential inthe development of alternative fuels.

GPR:What have been the main challenges to your business
during the COVID-19 pandemic?

DO:As a global player on the fuel market, we feel
responsible for the Polish economy. Of course, the
continuity of fuel supplies and safety for our employees
are of paramount importance. We’ve demonstrated 100%
efficiency in those two areas. The implementation of
appropriate procedureseffectively eliminatedpotential
risks, but as a socially responsible company we wanted to do
more than just secure our business. That’s why we decided
to support the health care professionals and uniformed
services and all Poles in the fight against the pandemic.


02 Business profile




Polski KoncernNaftowy Orlenis Polish-based butwith a growing

international footprint.The state-owned energy corporation,which

supported Rober t Kubica’s return to Formula 1 and is now titl e sponsor
of the Alfa Romeo team, began expanding internationally inthe early

2000 s and now operates fuel stations all over Europe. And wherever you
go in the world, you may be drivingon asphalt it supplied...



President of the
Management Board
and CEO,PKN Orlen
CEO Energa SA
Supervisory Board
Supervisory Board
member, Dalmor SA
Restructuring and
Mayor, GminaPcim


Orlen Group


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