Nature - USA (2020-01-02)

(Antfer) #1

Extended Data Fig. 13 | Relationships between peak T cell responses in BAL
or PBMCs and total CFUs at necropsy. a–d, Linear regressions were used to
test whether antigen-responsive CD4 (a, b) or CD8 (c, d) T cell numbers (BAL;
a, c) or frequencies (PBMC; b, d) after BCG immunization are associated with
disease severity (total CFUs). Results indicate that when controlling for all
vaccine routes, peak CD4 T cells in the BAL and PBMC, and peak CD8 T cells in

the BAL do not have a significant association with total CFUs (Supplementary
Table 5a–c). Of note, in PBMCs, higher peak CD8 frequencies are associated
with lower total CFUs after controlling for route (Supplementary Table 5d).
Each dot represents an individual animal; coloured lines represent linear fit for
each vaccine route. Dotted black lines represent linear fit for all vaccine routes
combined (with 95% confidence interval shaded in grey).
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