Nature - USA (2020-01-02)

(Antfer) #1

for clinical and technical assistance, C. Liegeois for IT assistance and the staff of the WEHI
Bioservices facility for mouse husbandry. The generation of Ripk1D325A and Ripk1D138N,D325A mice
used in this study was supported by the Australian Phenomics Network (APN) and the
Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy
(NCRIS) program.

Author contributions N.L., S.E.B. and H.O. designed and performed experiments and
interpreted data. G.M.W., D.C., L.L., M.S., T.K., K.E.L., K.J.M.Z., N.E., K.S.-A., C.B., W.L.T., M.D.B.,
H.S.K., D.Y., H.A., N.S., L.W., L.Z., N.S.M., D.B.B., G.G.-C., C.H., H.W., J.J.C., N.I.D, M.M., A.L., Q.Z.,
I.A., J.C.M., A.K.V. and J.S. performed experiments. A.J.K., M.J.H., L.W. and M.P. generated the
CRISPR mice. D.L.S., P.M.H., A.K.O., G.P.P.-P., B.K.B., A.J., T.M.R., A.J.G. and A.K.S. provided the

clinical data. E.D.H., S.L.M., M.J.L., M.B., S.D.R. and M.G. contributed reagents, analysis and
interpretation. N.L., S.E.B., D.L.K. and J.S. conceived the project and wrote the paper with input
from all authors.

Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary information is available for this paper at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to N.L., S.E.B., D.L.K. or J.S.
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