Step 1.Cover your cakes with green fondant for the base tierand blue for the top tier: these will be your base coloursto work on. Stack your cakes using dowels for supportand a central dowel for stability. Place on the tilting cakestand at a comfortable angle to work with.Steps 2a & b.First, create the sun as this needs drying. Make a 3x3âgum paste circle and insert a 20 gauge wire. Leave todr y.Steps 3a-d.Make the sunâs rays by extruding different tones ofyellow fondant mixed with gum paste and making twirlsof different sizes: 1/2â, 3/4â and 1â.Steps 4a & b.Once the sun disc is dry, put the whirls randomly on it.You can overlap some whirls to give depth to your sun.Leave to set.Steps 5a-d.Outline a country scene on parchment paper. Attach thescene onto the cake using the round head pins to holdthe paper in place.3b3c2b3a1 2a4b3d4a5a 5b