HERE WERE SIX of them: two adults and four
kids, cycling up an unpaved mountain road on
three tandem bicycles. As my girlfriend, Charlie,
and I careered past, we looked at the family
and wondered momentarily whether our choice
of transport was the wimp’s way to get around. In
our sturdy, air-conditioned 4 x 4 we felt insulated
from the rigors of the road, from the extreme
geography and the sun reflecting off the glaciers
above us. But the higher we climbed, the more
confident we became about our decision. The
gravel became big boulders, and as we navigated
the switchbacks, gunning the engine up the steep
slopes and bouncing over the rocks, we knew
that this was going to be an adventure, whether
we were on two wheels or four.
It was the first morning of a two-week road
trip along the Carretera Austral, the highway
A footbridge en route to the Hanging Glacier at Queulat National Park. Opposite, from left: A wooden church in the
village of Villa Amengual, near the park; a gaucho near Patagonia National Park.
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