
(Nancy Kaufman) #1
38 | June 2020 |motherandbaby.co.u

D o
A littleknowledgecanreallygoa
longwayto boost yourconfidence
whenstartingyourbaby onsolids.Once
you feel confident, the whole journey can
be so much more enjoyable – for you and
your baby! Don’t worry about reading
every single thing online, but a few
top resources to get you started


baby to the table
Having baby at the table with yo

  • even before she starts eating herself –
    can help her to get used to the routine of
    ‘mealtimes’ and the new environment.
    Babies love familiarity, so this will help
    her to enjoy being a part of it once
    the time comes to join in.

Trytomodelallthe behaviours
includingeatingwellandtryinga variety
of deliciousfoods. Children learn a lot of their
habits ata young age, which is why their early
diet can make a big difference to what foods they
enjoy as they get older. Yo can help
influence this by showing your
little one how to enjoy a
balanced diet

E at
where possible
Your baby will learn a lot about food and
eating from watching you, so try to avoid
simply sitting in front of your baby witha
spoon – instead, sit back and feed yourself
at the same time. This takes the
pressure off baby, allowing her to
observe and copy your
eating skills.

Be a positive

role model

Joe and



top tips

for weanin



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