Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 454 (2020-07-10)

(Antfer) #1

The Outpost

A team of American soldiers, including
1st Lieutenant Benjamin D. Keating
(Orlando Bloom) and Staff Sergeant Clint
Romesha (Scott Eastwood), stationed at
Combat Outpost Keating in north-eastern
Afghanistan, battle a force of hundreds of
enemy insurgents from the Taliban.


  1. This film is directed and scripted by Rod
    Lurie, whose previous directing and writing
    credits include 2007’s Resurrecting the
    Champ and 2011’s Straw Dogs.

  2. Lurie was an air defense artillery officer in
    the US Army in the 1980s.

  3. The Outpost is based on Jake Tapper’s 2012
    non-fiction book The Outpost: An Untold
    Story of American Valor, focusing on the
    real-life Battle of Kamdesh that took place in
    October 2009.

  4. Cast members Scott Eastwood, Milo Gibson
    and James Jagger are sons of, respectively,
    Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson and Mick Jagger.

  5. The film had been set to premiere at this
    year’s South by Southwest Film Festival,
    but the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the
    event’s cancellation.

Rotten Tomatoes

90 %

by Rod Lurie
Genre: Action & Adventure
Released: 2020
Price: $14.99

72 Ratings
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