The Knitter - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

Row 28: P3, (K2, P2) twice, K6, P2, K6,
P to end.

Change to 4.5mm needles.
Begin Berries Pattern:
Row 1 (RS): K28 (33:37:42:47:52:57), work
row 1 of Chart A, (P2, C2F) twice, K1.
Row 2 (WS): P3, K2, P2, K2, work row 2 of
Chart A, P to end.
Rows 1 and 2 set the pattern.
C ont a s s e t, re p e at i n g a l l 14 row s of C h a r t A.

For next rep use Chart B and cont to
alternate Charts throughout, until work
meas 38 (38:38:38:37:37:37) cm from
cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.

Cast off 2 (3:3:4:4:5:5) sts at beg of row.
53 (57:61:65:70:74:79) sts.
Patt one row.

Next row (RS): K2, SSK, patt to end.
1 st dec’d.
Next row (WS): Pat t to l a s t 4 s t s, P 2 to g tbl ,
P2. 1 st dec’d.

Dec 1 st at armhole edge of 0 (0:1:1:4:5:7) foll
RS rows and 0 (0:0:1:0:0:0) foll 4th rows.
51 (55:58:61:64:67:70) sts.

Cont as set until work meas 49 (49:50:51:
51:52:53)cm from cast-on edge, ending
after a WS row.

Next row (RS): Pat t 3 8 (42:45:48:51:50:53)
sts, turn and leave rem 13 (13:13:13:13:17:17)
sts on a stitch holder.
Next row (WS): Cast off 9 sts at beg of row,
patt to end.
29 (33:36:39:42:41:44) sts.
Next row: Pat t to l a s t 4 s t s, K 2 to g, K 2.
1 st dec’d.
Next row: P2, P2tog, patt to end.
1 st dec’d.

Dec 1 st at neck edge as set on the next 3
rows, then on 3 (4:4:5:5:2:2) foll alt rows,
working 3 sts at neck edge in st st.
21 (24:27:29:32:34:37) sts.

Work 5 (5:5:3:5:11:1 1) m ore row s i n p at t,
ending after a WS row.

Cast off 7 (8:9:10:11:12:13) sts at beg of next
14 (16:18:19:21:22:24) sts.
Patt one row.

Cast off 7 (8:9:10:11:11:12) sts at beg of next
7 (8:9:9:10:11:12) sts.
Patt one row.
Cast off rem 7 (8:9:9:10:11:12) sts in pattern.

Using 4mm needles, cast on
55 (60:64:69:74:79:84) sts.
Row 1 (RS): K1, C2B, (P2, C2B) 4 times,
(P2, C2F) 8 (10:11:12:13:14:16) ti mes,
K4 (1:1:2:3:4:1).
Row 2 (WS): P4 (1:1:2:3:4:1), (P2, K2)
12 (14:15:16:17:18:20) times, P3.
Rep rows 1 and 2 another 11 times.

Set up pocket over next 2 rows:
Row 25: Pat t 2 7 s t s, c a s t of f n e x t 18 s t s a s
(K 2, C 2 F) 4 t i m e s, K 2, t h e n p at t to e n d.
18 sts dec’d.
Row 26: Pat t 10 (15:19:24:29:34:39) sts, then
w it h WS of s e c on d p o c ke t l i n e r fa c i n g, p u rl
across 18 sts from stitch holder, patt to end.
18 sts inc’d.
Row 27: K1, (C2B, P2) twice, C2B, P6, C2B,
P6, C2F, K to end.
Row 28: P30 (35:39:44:49:54:59), K6, P2,
K6, P2, (K2, P2) twice, P1.

Change to 4.5mm needles.
Begin Berries Pattern:
Row 1 (RS): K1, (C2B, P2) twice, work row 1
of Chart B, K to end.
Row 2 (WS): P28 (33:37:42:47:52:57), work
row 2 of Chart B, (K2, P2) twice, P1.
Rows 1 and 2 set the pattern.
C ont a s s e t, re p e at i n g a l l 14 row s of C h a r t B.

For next rep use Chart A and cont to
alternate Charts throughout, until work
meas 38 (38:38:38:37:37:37) cm from
cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.
Work 1 row straight.

Cont as set and cast off 2 (3:3:4:4:5:5) at beg
o f n e x t row, p at t to e n d.
53 (57:61:65:70:74:79) sts.
Next row (RS): Pat t to l a s t 4 s t s, K 2 to g, K 2.
1 st dec’d.
Next row (WS): P2, P2tog, patt to end.
1 st dec’d.

Dec 1 st as armhole edge of 0 (0:1:1:4:5:7) foll
RS rows and 0 (0:0:1:0:0:0) foll 4th rows.
51 (55:58:61:64:67:70) sts.
Work 1 row straight.

Ne x t row (R S, b u t to n h o l e row): K1, C2B,

P 1, K 2 to g, yo t w i c e, S S K, P 1, C 2 B , p at t to
Next row (WS): Patt to last 9 sts, K1, P1, K1,
P2, K1, P3.
Next row: K1, C2B, P1, C2F, C2B, P1, patt to
Work 7 rows in pattern.
Rep the last 10 rows once more, then work
the first 3 rows again, ending after a RS row.

Next row (WS): Pat t 3 8 (42:45:48:51:50:53)
sts, turn and leave rem 13 (13:13:13:13:17:17)
sts on a stitch holder.
Next row (RS): Cast off 9 sts at beg of row,
patt to end.
29 (33:36:39:42:41:44) sts.
Next row: Pat t to l a s t 4 s t s, P 2 to g tbl , P 2.
1 st dec’d.
Next row: K2, SSK, patt to end.
1 st dec’d.

Dec 1 st at neck edge as set on the next 3
rows, then on 3 (4:4:5:5:2:2) foll alt rows,
working 3 sts at neck edge in st st.
21 (24:27:29:32:34:37) sts.

Work 5 (5:5:3:5:11:1 1) m ore row s i n p at t,
ending after a RS row.

Cast off 7 (8:9:10:11:12:13) sts at beg of next
14 (16:18:19:21:22:24) sts.
Patt one row.
Cast off 7 (8:9:10:11:11:12) sts at beg of next
7 (8:9:9:10:11:12) sts.
Patt one row.
Cast off rem 7 (8:9:9:10:11:12) sts in pattern.

(both alike)
Using 4mm needles, cast on
46 (50:50:54:54:58:58) sts.
Row 1 (RS): K2, P2, (C2B, P2) 10 (11:11:12:12:
13:13) ti mes, K2.
Row 2 (WS): (P2, K2) 11 (12:12:13:13:14:14)
times, P2.
Rep rows 1 and 2 another 6 times.

Row 15: K22 (24:24:26:26:28:28), C2B,
K22 (24:24:26:26:28:28) to end.
Row 16: Purl.

Change to 4.5mm needles.
Begin Sleeve Berries Pattern:
Row 1 (RS): K17 (19:19:21:21:23:23), work
row 1 of Chart C, K17 (19:19:21:21:23:23) to


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