Science - USA (2020-04-10)

(Antfer) #1




S outh American land mammal age,
which preceded the mammal age,
during which primates appeared.
However, the discovery of primates
(Perupithecus and at least one other
form) much earlier in the Santa Rosa
fauna appeared to bring the two
events closer together in time ( 2 ).
Although the dispersing genera
are not yet identified, new discover-
ies are revealing closer representa-
tives of both groups on the South
American and African continents.
C aviomorph rodents of late Middle
Eocene age ( 3 ) demonstrate a dis-
persal from one continent to the
other at least ~41 million years ago.
As for primates, not only was P eru-
pithecus recognized to be relatively
similar to some late Eocene African
relatives, but Seiffert et al. show that
their Ucayalipithecus fossil is ex-
tremely close to similar well-dated
fossils from African relatives. This
similarity provides a relatively nar-
row time window for the dispersal
of the Ucayalipithecus primate or its
ancestor (35 to 32 million years ago).
The morphology of the newly dis-
covered Ucayalipithecus fossil leaves
no doubt that it is a parapithecid, a
distinct family, unique among pri-
mates, that until now was known to
have existed only in Egypt, Libya, and
Tanzania. Thus, it is likely that the
parapithecid and the ancestor of the
other Santa Rosa primates came from
the same dispersal event. Hence, pale-
ontologists now have convincing evi-
dence for two distinct dispersals, one
for rodents and one for primates, each
separated by 10 million years or more.
These dispersals raise many in-
triguing issues for further research.
Concerning primate dispersals out of
Africa, there is a strong contrast be-
tween the two sides of the continent.
Dispersals to M adagascar crossed
much shorter distances; however, because
of unfavorable currents, such crossings were
also rare. Yet 2 years ago, scientists showed
that, on the eastern side of Africa, two differ-
ent lemur lineages crossed over to Madagas-
car ( 4 ). So why did two types of anthropoids
cross over on one side and two types of le-
murs on the other? A possible explanation is
size. During the Eocene in Africa, a nthropoids
were small and some strepsirrhine primates
were large, whereas later, during the Oligo-
cene, anthropoids became larger. A large size
is a serious obstacle to surviving several days
of rafting. However, there were also some
small strepsirrhines in the Eocene that might
have been carried along westward.

If several dispersals of mammals took
place, other animals and plants should fol-
low the same patterns—for example, the
trees that gave rise to the natural rafts.
Plant dispersals are tracked through dated
phylogenetic analyses. Molecular phylog-
enies of a woody plant family ( 5 ) and of
gecko lizards ( 6 ) provide hypotheses of
such dispersals. When the fossil record
indicates the absence of a family in North
America, the case for dispersal becomes
stronger, as for a mphisbaenids, a group
of fossorial lizards ( 7 ). When fossils pro-
vide the primary evidence, the scenario
becomes even more convincing, as for the
primate reported here, rodents, and prob-

ably also birds with weak flight
capabilities ( 8 ).
After crossing an ocean, species
face serious challenges in order to
survive and flourish in their new
environment. As Seiffert et al. note,
these e arly anthropoids must have
been remarkably adaptable to
harsh conditions to have survived
the crossing. Furthermore, they
succeeded in invading a new ter-
ritory; the environment was not
empty, and the early anthropoids
settled more than 4000 km away
from their landing area. Yet, de-
spite this impressive performance,
parapithecids did not manage to
survive for long and diversify. This
is even more surprising consider-
ing that parapithecids were spe-
cialized for hard-object feeding,
and one of the present-day sub-
families of South American mon-
keys, the P itheciinae (sakis and
ouakaris), is also adapted to feed-
ing on hard fruits and seeds. Were
these resources already present at
the time of crossing over, or were
there changes in the composition
of South American tropical forests?
These forests were established by
the Paleocene (66 to 56 million years
ago) and were not disturbed by
warming episodes. In contrast, they
experienced high diversification
rates during these episodes ( 9 ). An
exciting research avenue concerns
the composition of these forests, in
which rodents and primates play
an important role in seed dispersal
( 10 ). A better record of fossil fruits
and seeds in South America should
provide critical information on both
forest composition and plant disper-
sal—two important aspects of these
tropical forests, which are the most
diverse on Earth. j


  1. E. R. Seiffert et al., Science 368 , 194 (2020).

  2. M. Bond et al., Nature 520 , 538 (2015).

  3. P.-O. Antoine et al., Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B 279 ,
    1319 (2012).

  4. G. F. Gunnell et al., Nat. Commun. 9 , 3193 (2018).

  5. L. Bardon et al., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 171 , 19 (2013).

  6. T. Gamble et al., J. Evol. Biol. 24 , 231 (2011).

  7. N. Vidal, A. Azvolinsky, C. Cruaud, S. B. Hedges, Biol. Lett.
    4 , 115 (2008).

  8. G. Mayr, H. Alvarenga, C. Mourer-Chauviré,
    Naturwissenschaften 98 , 961 (2011).

  9. C. Jaramillo, A. Cárdenas, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci.
    41 , 741 (2013).

  10. P.-M. Forget et al., in Seed Dispersal, A. J. Dennis et al.,
    Eds. (CAB International, 2 007), pp. 5–36.

  11. M. L. Augé, S. Brizuela , Palaeobio. Palaeoenv. 1 0. 1 0 0 7/
    s12549-019-00414-2 (2020).
    1 0.1126/science.abb4107



00 10001000

To Europe




South American rain forests, like this one in Amazonian Perú, are among the
most diverse tropical forests on Earth. Some of its components came from
Africa during the Tertiary period.

10 APRIL 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6487 137

Rafting route
A Ucayalipithecus monkey or its ancestor sailed from West Africa to
South America on the south equatorial paleocurrent (SEC). Recent data
( 11 ) suggest that teiid lizards crossed over from South America on the
north equatorial countercurrent (NECC), eventually arriving in Eocene
Europe. Continental positions are from the Oligocene.
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