Amateur Photographer - UK (2020-07-18)

(Antfer) #1 29

Chris Gorman is a
photographer with more
than 30 years’ experience
in the UK, New Zealand
and Europe. His work has
appeared regularly in a
number of publications
across the globe. Visit to read
more about him.

and has been exhibited in the Press
Photography of The Year Exhibition
on London’s South Bank.
Another image published widely is
Stonehenge at the Summer Solstice.
‘The success of this image pretty
much convinced me that drone
photography was my future,’ says
Chris. ‘The idea came from my
experience as a picture editor.
Events such as this are attended by
probably about 20 Fleet Street
photographers who are all vying for
the same images – think silhouettes

of people around the stones and so
on. We tend to see the same images
every year, but crucially I knew it
had never been seen from the sky.
‘A 3am start paid o† quite
handsomely as the resulting image
appeared in every single national
newspaper the next day. The solstice
image consists of over seven
manually bracketed exposures from
four stops under to three stops over.
The resulting images were then
pulled together in Lightroom or
Photoshop using the Nik Efex

Plugins. This gives an image as the
eye saw it at the time, and is
something one exposure simply
couldn’t do.’
Chris is a fan of using his drone to
give a new angle – quite literally – to
old concepts. A great example of
this is a shot of sunbathers on
Bournemouth Beach. ‘I was tired of
the usual “Phew what a scorcher”
images seen in the papers on the
hottest day of the year and knew the
drone could give it a more classy
feel. The resulting image was
published on the front of The Daily
Telegraph and also appeared in The
Times, so clearly, their picture
editors also agreed.’

‘The success of this image pretty much convinced

me that drone photography was my future’

Chris uses his drone to give ‘new angles’ to ‘old concepts’ – this shot was taken at Bournemouth Beach

Capturing this shot was a stroke of luck – the cruise ship just happened to appear at exactly the right moment
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