
(Nancy Kaufman) #1


ack ing your picnic cor rec t ly is
essential and can save you time
and energy, not to mention back
pain from lugging around way too
much stuff. Not only that, but if you
pack correctly you will not be dealt the
emba r rassing blow of unpack ing to f ind
food has been squashed or spoilt.

Transporting your picnic
It sta r ts w it h your mode of c a r r y ing.
This could be a st ylish w icker ha mper
or a backpack, a cool box or a wooden
apple crate. Shop around for the best
equipment and choose wisely
depending on your theme – if you are
heading out on a bike ride or a long
country ramble, a large wicker hamper
would not be very practical, whereas a
back pack or sadd le bag f illed w it h food
wrapped in foil or in lightweight plastic
boxes would be much more suitable.

Food storage
Do not be afraid to be a proud lover of
Tupper wa re! It c a n keep food f resher
longer, is light and easy to carry, and can
be used for transporting liquids like
soups along with more solid foods.
Moreover, it is much lighter t ha n glass or
ceramic containers so easier to
transport. And remember, you can
always transfer the
food to more
visually exciting
dishes once you
reach your
picnic spot.
If you are still not
sold on t he humble plast ic box, t here
are other more visually quirky ways of
transporting and serving food. Salads
a nd desser ts such as t ira misu look great
in jam jars, and when all the food has
gone and the sun dips down beyond the
hor izon, t he ja rs c a n a lso be used as
night light holders. Other things to try
are tiffin tins, Chinese takeaway boxes

or even f lat-packed paper boxes.
These look great filled with
sandwiches, cakes and other dry
foods, which c a n be ser ved on
pretty cardboard pop-up cake
stands to add a touch of glamour.

Tr y vin t age
Both high-street stores and
vintage markets offer a wide
variety of picnic paraphernalia.
China and glassware can look
amazing on a beautifully laid-out
picnic ensemble, but if you are not
picnick ing close to home or nea r
your c a r, a lso consider plast ic, paper
or wooden plates and cutlery that are
more lightweight and also
conveniently disposable.

Keep it cool
I f ind cool boxes or cool bags a godsend if
you need to keep things cold. Freezer
pack s c a n help keep ever y t hing inside
cool, but you could also freeze bottles of
still mineral water to act as cool blocks,
which c a n t hen be a ref reshing d r ink
when they begin to thaw.
When pack ing, sta r t w it h your f reezer
block s at t he bot tom, t hen pack in your
d r ink s (t hese shou ld be cooled in a
fridge first). Add heavier, bulkier food
items and those in
sturdy boxes at the
bottom and lighter,
smaller items on
top. Secure the lid
on the cool box or
bag and do not open
until you are at the picnic destination.
The more the box or bag is opened, the
sooner things will thaw out.

Food safety
Wit h food safet y in mind, it is best to
keep a beady eye on meat, f ish a nd
dairy products. Any food that needs to
be kept cold should be kept in t he f r idge

and added to the cool box only at the
last minute. If you are barbecuing,
ma ke sure raw meat is kept sepa rate
from cooked meats and use separate
utensils for handling them.

Final fl ourishes
A s well as t he food (don’t forget t he sa lt
and pepper!), there are plenty of other
items t hat w ill come in ha ndy - or a re
indispensable! Don’t forget to take bin
liners, paper towels and of course,
something to eat off. Wet wipes are
also one of those picnic essentials, as is
a corkscrew.

If you have space, a n umbrella or
ga zebo is usef ul for protec t ion f rom
rain or sun, and suncream always
comes in handy. A small first aid kit
with antiseptic spray (useful for before
and after prepping food) and plasters
c a n come in ha ndy, especia lly if you
have k ids w it h you!

Ma ke sure you ta ke enough picnic r ugs
for spreading out the food on, as well as
providing a place to sit, or camping
chairs to keep you off the cold ground.
Pack extra blankets for when the sun
goes down and things get a bit chilly.

'Don't be afraid

to be a proud lover

of Tupperware!'

From choosing your kit to transpor table treats, we’ve got your next al fresco adventure
covered. A ll that’s lef t to do is pick a sunny spot and venture into the great outdoors...

Pack the perfect picnic


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