The New York Times - USA - Arts & Leisure (2020-07-26)

(Antfer) #1

8 SUNDAY, JULY 26, 2020

ever be quenched? Probably not, at least
judging by “The King of Confidence,” Miles
Harvey’s jaunty, far-ranging history of the
19th-century con man and prophet James
Jesse Strang. Despite the frontier setting,
there is something eerily contemporary
about Harvey’s portrait of a real estate
huckster with monarchic ambitions, a cre-
ative relationship to debt and a
genius for mass media. Until
his assassination in 1856,
Strang ruled over a breakaway

Mormon colony on Lake Michi-
gan’s Beaver Island, where he
was crowned “King of Earth
and Heaven.” King Strang, as
the press delighted in calling
him, tried his hand at various
roguish trades — lawyer, news-
paperman, prophet, pirate,
state legislator — but his true
gift was for the pure flimflam of
American celebrity.
In 1843, Strang, a young man
from the Burned-Over District
of New York, went west to duck
a warrant. In the Mormon capi-
tal of Nauvoo, Ill., the avowed
“unbeliever” was baptized by
Joseph Smith himself. After
Smith’s murder, Strang re-
ceived a letter, allegedly writ-
ten by the slain prophet before
his death, appointing Strang
leader of the 25,000 Latter-day
Saints. While Brigham Young
consolidated power and began
organizing the Mormon exodus
to the high desert of Utah,
Strang gathered his own modest flock in
Wisconsin. Late in the summer of 1845, he
led a troop of men to the base of a tree by
the White River, a spot revealed to him in a
vision. There, the men exhumed three
brass plates engraved with a mysterious
script, supposedly written by one “Rajah
Manchou of Vorito,” the leader of a long-
vanquished civilization. Using a pair of
“seer stones” on loan from an angel, Strang
translated the Rajah’s prophecy: “The
forerunner men shall kill” — Smith — “but
a mighty prophet there shall dwell”:

Strang. Like The Book of Mormon,
Strang’s plates tied a makeshift American
sect to the ancient world. Unlike Smith,
Strang produced a genuine relic for his fol-
lowers to see with their own eyes.
Following another revelation, Strang re-
located his colony to Beaver Island, where
he intended to establish his own New Jeru-
salem, an independent kingdom within the
borders of the United States. At his 1850
coronation on the island, he wore the robes

of “ancient Jewish high priests” and a
crown made of paper and tinsel.
Confidence, Harvey writes, functions as
a “de facto national currency.” Strang had
plenty of it. In the contest to succeed
Smith, he staked out the anti-polygamy po-
sition, contrasting himself with Brigham
Young on the church’s most divisive issue.
That did not stop him from secretly marry-
ing four “spiritual” wives, in addition to his
long-suffering legal wife, Mary. Strang’s
first “celestial marriage” was to an intelli-
gent young woman named Elvira Field.
Field cut her hair short, dressed in men’s
clothes and accompanied Strang on his
evangelical tours, staying with him in his

rooms and introducing herself as Charles
J. Douglass, nephew of and personal secre-
tary to the prophet.
Having claimed a divine right to the
lightly populated Beaver Island, Strang’s
subjects began counterfeiting money and
practicing a form of religious piracy, “con-
secrating” gentile property to themselves
with guns, swords and a fast schooner.
President Millard Fillmore, who had been
denounced in the press for going soft on
Brigham Young and the Utah
Mormons, dispatched an iron-
hulled Navy steamer to raid the
island, arrest Strang and sub-
due his marauding followers.
The factoid doesn’t get much
respect as a source of genuine
historical insight, but Harvey
deploys small scraps of knowl-
edge to great effect. His account
of Strang’s rise and fall is lit-
tered with thumbnail histories
of 19th-century cross-dressing,
John Brown, John Deere, the
Brontës, bloomers, the Under-
ground Railroad, mesmerism,
newspaper exchanges, the Illu-
minati and much else. This ap-
proach amounts to a sort of his-
torical pointillism, bringing the
manic, skittering mood of the
era into focus. It is a style of his-
tory well suited to the antebel-
lum decades, when American
culture was most unabashedly
itself — uprooted, credulous
and bold with scattershot plans
for civic and moral perfection.
Horace Greeley, who embodied
that time almost as well as King
Strang, wrote of living in “this
stammering century.”
Harvey’s wonderfully digres-
sive narrative is interspersed
with news clippings, playbills,
land surveys and daguerreo-
types, as if to periodically cer-
tify that all of this madness is re-
ally true. Strang himself, how-
ever, remains a cipher. Where
did the calculation end and the
delusion begin? Did he himself
ever convert to his own gospel?
In any case, the inner life of a
prophet is less interesting than his or her
effect on the world. Tinhorn revelators are
seldom in short supply. Few of them secure
private theocracies.
Rather than a probing biography of a
single man, Harvey offers a vivid portrait
of the time and place in which a character
like Strang could thrive, an era when “re-
ality was porous” and an anxious popula-
tion cast about for something exciting to
believe in and someone confident to follow.
Once it is written, the history of our current
moment won’t be the story of any particu-
lar scoundrel. Confidence men are always
among us. It takes extraordinary circum-
stances for one to become king. 0

American Grifter

The story of a 19th-century con man who scammed his way to the top of a religious sect.


A Tale of Utopian Dreamers,
Frontier Schemers, True
Believers, False Prophets,
and the Murder of an
American Monarch
By Miles Harvey
Illustrated. 401 pp.
Little, Brown & Company. $29.

James Jesse Strang


CHRIS JENNINGSis the author of “Paradise
Now: The Story of American Utopianism.”

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