The New York Times - USA (2020-07-28)

(Antfer) #1



ors can stash their cash just as
easily. And most of the time, they
opt for bonds over gold, because
bonds pay interest.
But something has happened
over the past few months to
change that gold-versus-bond cal-
Since the Fed cut the short-term
interest rates it controls to near
zero, longer-term interest rates —
also known as yields on govern-
ment bonds — have also fallen to
some of their lowest levels ever.
The yield on the 10-year Treasury
note was roughly 0.6 percent on
At the same time, because the
Fed has created enormous
amounts of new money, analysts
say it could set the United States
up for higher inflation down the
Investors are taking note of that
possibility. In recent weeks, mar-
ket measures of expected infla-
tion, known as breakevens, have
moved higher, and investors now
expect inflation to average around
1.5 percent a year over the next 10
years. Since the 10-year Treasury
note will return those investors
only about 0.6 percent a year, that

means investors who buy the 10-
year note must essentially be
comfortable with losing nearly 1
percent on that investment a year,
after accounting for inflation. In
the argot of the market, that
means “real” or inflation-adjusted

yields are negative.
Since not losing money — re-
member, gold is supposed to hold
its value even if it pays no interest
— is better than losing money, typ-
ically investors switch to gold
from Treasuries when this hap-

“The only thing that matters in
the gold price is the U.S. real
yield,” said Natasha Kaneva, a
precious metals analyst with JP-
Morgan Chase.
Inflows into gold exchange-

traded funds — mutual-fund-like
vehicles that are one of the easiest
ways to buy gold — spiked after
the Fed made major policy an-
nouncements in late March, dur-
ing the worst of the outbreak. And
the flood of cash to gold funds has
According to the World Gold
Council, a trade group, inflows
into gold E.T.F.s hit a record in the
first half of the year, as some $40
billion arrived. The heaviest in-
flows came from the United
States, where nearly $30 billion in
investor money poured into the
gold funds.
Several analysts now expect
gold prices will rise above $2,000
an ounce in the short term. In a
note published last week, analysts
at UBS said that negative real
rates, a weaker dollar and contin-
ued geopolitical uncertainty —
such as the tensions between
China and the United States — will
continue to support the price.

On Monday, the price of gold
futures on the New York
Mercantile Exchange rose 1.8
percent to more than $1,931
an ounce, a new high.


As Investors Rush Toward Gold, Its Price Breaks Records


over 200 degrees. In South Korea,
the electronics giant LG has creat-
ed a mask powered with fans that
make it easier to breathe.
In boutiques, patterned masks
are showing up on mannequins,
exquisitely paired with designer
dresses. An Indian businessman
said he spent $4,000 on a custom
mask made of gold. And a French
costume designer has filled Insta-
gram with phantasmagoric de-
signs featuring everything from
pterodactyls to doll legs.
The coronavirus “has driven a
rapid evolution in mask technol-
ogy,” said Yukiko Iida, an expert
on masks at the Environmental
Control Center, a consulting com-
pany in Tokyo.
“When there’s demand, the
market reacts quickly,” she said.
“People are wearing them all day
every day, so we’re seeing im-
provements in things like ease of
wear and ease of communication,”
she added, citing a mask with a
clear front that allows people to
see the wearer’s facial expres-
The urge to innovate has been
great in Japan, where masks were
widespread even before the pan-

demic, used to warm faces or pro-
tect against pollen, influenza or
the unwelcome gaze of strangers.
While most people in the coun-
try are still wearing cheap white
surgical masks, consumers have
begun to move away from view-
ing face coverings as a one-and-
done commodity, something
picked up at a convenience store,
worn a few times and tossed in
the trash.
Taisuke Ono, the chief execu-
tive of a tech start-up, Donut Ro-
botics, said he envisioned a world
where people could be wearing
masks on trips abroad for the
next 10 years or more. If that hap-
pens, they will demand that their
masks do more than just protect
them from viruses, he said.
His company is building a mask
that serves as a combination
walkie-talkie, personal secretary
and translator. It can record its
users’ voice, projecting it to some-
one else’s smartphone — all the
better for social distancing — or
transmuting it from Japanese into
a variety of languages.
“The pandemic made this pos-
sible,” he said, noting that his
prototype had generated media
attention and enormous interest
from investors on Makuake, a
Japanese version of Kickstarter.
Before, he said, “even if you made
something like this, no one would
invest in it, and you couldn’t sell it.
Now, the global market has grown
several times.”
Although the pandemic will end
at some point, he added, “people
will still be using masks because
they’re afraid.”
While it’s unclear how well
some of these more ambitious
masks will fare with consumers,
one innovation has been a clear
hit: face coverings with high-tech
fabrics that are said to provide su-
perior comfort or protection.
As summer temperatures rise,
masks made of materials in-
tended to keep wearers cool are in
demand. People who have been
wearing reusable cloth masks —
including those sent by the Japa-

nese government to every house-
hold in the country — are finding
them ill suited for the heat and hu-
midity of summer in central Ja-
pan, much less Singapore or Hong
Toyoshima, a Nagoya-based
trading company, began collect-
ing funds for a new mask made
with military-grade nylon in mid-
April. It raised over $1.2 million —
more than 13,000 percent of its
Customers told the company
that they wanted a highly effec-
tive mask that was also fashion-
able, said Koki Yamagata, who
leads the company’s crowdfund-
ing initiatives.
“A lot of people said that they
wanted more colors,” he said as he
modeled a white version of the
mask, which retails for around
$50, on a Zoom call. The products
have not generated much profit,
he said, adding that the company
began making them partly out of a
sense of social responsibility.
Other Japanese companies
have followed suit. Tadashi Yanai,
the founder of Uniqlo, the giant
clothing retailer, insisted that his
company would not sell masks,
but changed his mind after
customers clamored for a product
made from the brand’s high-per-
formance, fast-drying fabric.
The masks sold out immedi-
ately, and the company has com-
mitted to making 500,000 packs a
week, according to a spokesman,
Aldo Liguori, who said that the
company was now planning to sell
them overseas, as well.
For some clothing makers, pro-
ducing masks has been a necessi-
ty, with retail sales slowing con-
siderably as consumers stay
Many “factories haven’t had
much to do for two or three
months, so they’re saying ‘Why
don’t we make cloth masks?’ ”
said Kensuke Kojima, a product
consultant for the fashion indus-
These Japanese producers
have entered a market that had
seen only incremental changes
over the decades, like masks that
came in different colors or offered
no-smear coatings to protect
While medical practitioners
have worn masks of one sort or
another for hundreds if not thou-
sands of years, the masks worn to-
day were first developed in the
late 19th century for use during
They were first employed to
fight epidemics in the early 20th
century, when Wu Lien-teh, a doc-
tor of Chinese descent, began pro-
moting simple gauze masks as an
effective method for battling an
outbreak of pneumonic plague in a
part of northeastern China then
known as Manchuria.
When the Spanish flu hit in 1918,
the practice went global for the
first time.
While masks soon fell out of fa-
vor in most countries, the Japa-
nese government continued en-
couraging their use for fighting
common illnesses like the flu, said
Christos Lynteris, a medical an-
thropologist at the University of
St. Andrews in Scotland.
The ubiquity of surgical masks
in Japan, which are typically
made of nonwoven synthetic ma-
terials, has risen and fallen over
the years as the country con-
fronted different health issues and
In the 1990s, they became a pop-
ular defense against clouds of sea-
sonal pollen created by fast-grow-
ing trees, like cypress, planted

across the country to provide a
source of cheap timber.
In 2011, after the nuclear melt-
down at Fukushima, mask stocks
ran low as consumers feared ra-
dioactive fallout. And in the fol-
lowing years, drastic increases in
pollution from China drove more
demand, particularly in the win-
But, even in Japan, it took a pan-

demic to push mask sales into the
stratosphere, with face coverings
in such short supply early on that
people were lining up at the crack
of dawn to buy a box.
Months later, masks are abun-
dant, and shops in Harajuku, the
youth fashion mecca, are increas-
ingly putting them on prominent
display. On Takeshita Street,
storefronts are lined with masks

ranging from the playful (plush
animal faces) to the punk-inspired
(leather straps studded with
spikes and safety pins).
Although these masks may be
fashionable, buyers should be-
ware, said Kazunari Onishi, an ex-
pert on infectious diseases at the
Graduate School of Public Health
at St. Luke’s International Univer-
sity in Tokyo.

“You must choose a mask that
meets the national standards,” he
said, adding that “other types of
masks are not intended to be used
against infection.”
“If your priority is reliably pre-
venting infection, these masks
will not protect your life,” he said,
adding that even if you wear a
mask, “you must maintain a safe
social distance.”

Likely Here to Stay,

Masks Get Upgraded

For the Long Term


Rieko Kawanishi, above, a jewelry designer in Tokyo, designed pearl masks that she recommends
wearing over a regular mask. “I just thought, I want to make something elegant,” Ms. Kawanishi said.

Colorful masks in Tokyo, above. The chief executive of Donut Robotics, Taisuke Ono, below right, holding
a mask prototype that serves as a combination walkie-talkie, personal secretary and translator, and
includes an app. He believes people could be wearing masks for the next 10 years. Although the pandemic
will end at some point, he added, “people will still be using masks because they’re afraid.”


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