but no, they’re not still in there –
which is always a great excuse for
guilt-free violence in our book.
Environments are beautiful,
destructible and reactive, and there
will be many ways to take out The Hiss
using your surroundings, bending
reality and using your telekenetic
powers, your service weapon or a
combination of all three.
The Oldest House itself is huge – its
Tardis-like trans-dimensional space
allowing the game to feel huge, even
though it’s set within one building.
There are many areas to explore at will,
though others will remain closed,
Metroidvania-style, until your story
progression allows access.
Investigation is of course a central
part of the story, and Jesse must find
answers within this bizarre otherworldly
setting in order to stop The Hiss and
save our reality. As you’d expect from
Remedy, the game has a fascinating
premise and we’re excited to see it live
up to its potential when it’s released in
the latter part of 2019. Q
between a basic pistol and an
environmentshredding shotgun, or
later be upgraded to act as, say, a
rocket launcher. Handy, and it means
if nothing else you won’t have to
awkwardly carry a full arsenal around
with you everywhere you go. The
Director’s Pistol certainly makes short
work of enemies during some busy
gunfights in which Jesse’s telekinetic
powers are also in play. It makes for
some busy gunfights, as Jesse blasts
away with her gun and hurls office
furniture and stationery at her
enemies. Knocked out by a stapler...
The Hiss possess human bodies –
so yes, you will be shooting humans
eality getting you down?
We’ve got the Remedy.
Or more specifically,
we’ve got Remedy’s
latest game on its way.
The studio consistently strives for
interesting and innovative game
experiences – having previously
brought us Max Payne’s bullet-time
adventures, and Xbox exclusives Alan
Wake and Quantum Break. Where Alan
Wakewas all about the supernatural
horror, andQuantum Break’s focus
was on time manipulation, Control
combines elements of both – being a
reality-bending action adventure game
in a supernatural setting.
Poor Jesse Faden only turned up at
the New York offices of the Federal
Bureau of Control that morning for a
job interview, to find herself, through a
strange ritual, made director when the
last one is killed by The Hiss. The Hiss
have just invaded our reality – first
stop, Bureau headquarters, also
known as The Oldest House. This
windowless skyscraper is a bit like OXM
Towers, except that its offices, rooms
and corridors are a continually shifting
maze of physics-bending surreality,
which would make it really hard to
findthe toilet when you need it. The
Oldest House is clearly steeped in
supernatural, ritualistic prehistory, and
is where Jesse will be investigating all
the weirdness and rearranging the
faces of her enemies, probably literally.
Fiery power
Jesse has a weapon called the
Director’s Pistol, that shifts and adapts
to provide a unique twist on the
traditional shooter. The gun pulsates
as if it is breathing, and can shift
“The gun can shift between a
basic pistol and an environment
shredding shotgun”
ABOVEWe’ll be
catching up with
Remedy for a lot
more on Control
very soon.