pairs well with both the Vortex Grenade
and the Shatter palm strike attack, but
also with the Grav Gun, which can tether
enemies and fling them towards a position
of your choosing.
The combo options suggest some fun
ways to play, but in general abilities feel
like they could use some fine-tuning. The
way Ground Slam forces the first-person
camera to look at the floor means it’s
difficult to aim, and also makes it hard to
tell what you’ve actually done to enemies
it hits. And when I lunged at an enemy with
Shatter, more often than not they’d simply
dodge out of the way. All abilities are on a
cooldown timer, and wasting one is a
disappointing way to break the flow of
combat. I like how brash and loud the
abilities all feel, but a little more finesse in
the execution would go a long way.
Fortunately the gunplay feels more
robust. Guns are chunky and impactful,
and it’s obvious this is one area where the
collaboration with id has paid dividends.
“The first-person feel is not necessarily
just ‘take all this code’,” explains Willits.
“It’s more like a secret sauce. It’s based on
timing and setup and aspect ratios and
depth of field – all sorts of small things
that add up to get that id feel.”
The most noticeable aspect of id’s
design philosophy is the audio design of
the weapons, providing a chaotic, urgent
pace to the flow of encounters. “I sat down
with their sound designers and I said with
weapons you always have to make the
sound of the next thing above it,” says
Willits. “If you take the sound of a 9mm
and put it in a videogame, it never sounds
right. But if you [take the sound of] a .50
cal and call it a 9mm, then it sounds right.
We use cannons and big explosions for the
small weapons, and that’s how you get
that good feel. ... That’s one of those
things that id have learned over the years,
and we’ve helped teach Avalanche.”
Having won Mutant Bash, I head back
to the town of Wellspring – here more
colourful and more characterful than in
the original game. As part of protagonist
Walker’s quest to take down The
Authority, he must journey the world,
looking for people connected to
something called the Dagger Initiative.
One such person is Loosum Hagar, mayor
of Wellspring and one of a few returning
characters you’ll meet in the game.
Loosum is prepared to work with
Walker, but only if he infiltrates the
headquarters of local gangster and rival
Klegg Klayton – a ridiculous caricature
obsessed with winning. His club is called
the Winner’s Lounge. It only serves
winners. Fortunately for me, I just won a
TV game show. During an initially friendly
meeting – Klegg really likes winners – I
manage to bug his office. But as I leave, he
discovers I’m working with Loosum and
traps me in the sewers – forcing me to
fight through his army of goons.
Each character tied to the Dagger
Initiative offers a series of upgrades,
called Projects, that are unlocked with the
Project Points earned by doing favours
and completing quests. One of Loosum’s
early upgrades is Surprise Attack, which
does five times the damage to unaware
enemies. That’s probably not the
game-changer it might sound – stealth
But between Projects and the ability
upgrades you earn by collecting Feltrite
out in the world, Rage 2 seems designed
to let you nudge the combat towards a
preferred playstyle.
Rather than return to Loosum after my
sewer escape, I hop into my car and
journey out into the world. While I don’t
make it far enough to experience the
different biomes of the map – in addition
to the standard post-apocalyptic
wasteland, you’ll also fight through
swamps, mountains and forests – I do get
to try a selection of activities. Some, like
destroying the fuel supplies of a gas
station overrun with bandits, are pure
combat challenges. But there’s stranger
stuff out in the wasteland. I eventually find
an Ark – a pre-apocalypse building that, in
the one I explored, let me use gravity wells
to launch myself into the air.
While basic combat is mostly
entertaining – always a positive for an FPS
- I don’t yet have a sense of how varied
the open world will prove. There are plenty
of icons to explore, but some felt more like
padding, and the vehicular combat
encounters I stumbled into on my travels
Rage 2, I also have concerns about
whether its sense of style is masking a
lack of substance. Hopefully it will prove to
be more than just another solid shooter.
Phil Savage
Rage 2
Vehicular combat is
pretty basic.
Some underrepresented
colours of the apocalypse.