
(singke) #1
Let’s get the other thing out of the
way: The setting is third-hand
Stalker. But again I forgot it as I got
to grips with Mutant Year Zero’s
meeting of real-time exploration and
turn-based strategy. Here’s the idea:
The world is divided
into lots of discrete but
connected areas as you
set out to find a
member of your
settlement, The Ark,
who’s gone missing.
You’ll encounter enemy
encampments, weapon
chests, scrap caches,
and weapon parts, which act as
currency to buy gear and upgrade
weapons back at the Ark, to which
you can fast travel.
This setup gives the world a
coherence that’s lacking in most
turn-based strategies, but it also
means that between fights you must
ponderously run through
undergrowth in search of the scrap
you’ll need to afford vital medkits and
grenades. The environmental detail
often repays the time spent exploring,
but I wish movement was faster so I
could get to the tactics meat of the
game more quickly.
Mutant Year Zero’s key addition to
XCOM is stealth. And it makes a
difference. Combat starts either when
you initiate it or if you blunder into
an enemy’s awareness radius, which
you can make smaller by crouching.
This presents an opportunity to twist
the encounter to your advantage by
scouting the area to find vantage
points, and gives a fantastic sense of
involvement in the ensuing fight,
because so much results from the
situation you set yourself.
Take one encounter I fought in a
city. I found Dux could get into a

building and take a position upstairs
with a great view of the street, while
below Bormin and Farrow acted as
bait for raiders who streamed out of
their base and into Dux’s rifle sights,
each shot bolstered by the accuracy
and critical bonuses he
got from having a
height advantage.
Bormin, meanwhile,
used his Stone Skin
mutation, or skill, to
shrug off damage and
Farrow used Sneak to
get around the flanks
and Silent Assassin to
raise her critical chance. Each
character’s skill tree pushes it into
specialisms, and some skills are
wonderfully baroque: Moth Wings
allows Dux and Farrow to take flight

for the duration of their shot, giving
better lines of fire, while Selma’s Tree
Hugger can root enemies to the spot.

I also found a lot of mileage in
ambushing stragglers, using quiet
weapons such as the crossbow to
take them out before they called for
help. Well, initially anyway. Tooltips
remind you how important this
strategy is, but against higher level
enemies you can’t deal enough silent
damage to kill them in a turn and
everyone in the vicinity is alerted.
In fact, Mutant Year Zero too often
leans on adding HP to enemies to
raise the stakes. There are a good
number of different types, from
Molotov-throwing pyros to
telekinetic leaders, medbots, and
armored tanks. Each demands
different strategies, but by the
mid-game most are introduced and I
found the majority of the challenge
came in figuring out how to eke more
damage out of my weapons. The
answer lay mostly in fussy fiddling
with add-ons to raise critical limits
and give chances of setting raiders on
fire and EMP-stunning robots.
And then the game ends. I found
the story fulfilling enough. But in the
15 hours it took me to complete on
Normal, I’d only just bought a couple
of late-game skills and had barely
used the other two characters; I
wanted a chance to explore them.
Coupled with bugs which sometimes
made upper floors invisible and made
me confused about where I could
move my characters to, I felt Mutant
Year Zero isn’t quite finished.
While it lasts, Mutant Year Zero is
a tense, absorbing and atmospheric
new member of the XCOM family. I
suppose wanting more of it is a good
problem to have.

A tactics game in which
you play as mutants
exploring a
The Bearded Ladies
Core i5-6600K,
GeForce 1070,


Its mix of tense tactics
and real-time exploration
gets much right, but
Mutant Year Zero doesn’t
feel quite finished.


skill tree
pushes it into


et’s get it out of the way. Yes, that’s an anthropomorphic pig
and a duck, and yes, you can play as a fox, too. Ha! But you’ll
forget their inherent ridiculousness as you start to explore
Mutant Year Zero’s skeleton-strewn Sweden and face its stern
tactics challenge. Very quickly Bormin was simply my gruff
stalwart tank, Dux my sharp-eyed, crit-dealing sniper, and Farrow my
sneaking shotgunner. God, I love that gang.


MUTANT YEAR ZERO: ROAD TO EDEN is a tactics game that adds

new mutations to the XCOM-like. By Alex Wiltshire


Here are my favorite mutant mutations

I like my pig to get
up close.
Major Mutation:
Hog Rush
Can destroy cover
and knocks out
enemies for a turn
Minor Mutation:
Run ’n’ Gun
Enables an action
after sprinting
Passive: Spore
Emits smoke when
you’re damaged

My duck rains down
fire from above.
Major Mutation:
Moth Wings
Sprouts wings and
allows you to fly
Minor Mutation:
Knee Shot
Disable an organic
enemy’s movement
for two turns
Passive: Alpinist
50% critical chance
when shooting from
high ground

Hit hard, um,
like a fox?
Major Mutation:
Frog Legs
Jump to any
location in range
Minor Mutation:
Sneak between
Passive: Silent
Doubles your
critical chance
whilst hidden


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