Res Arcana’s world is
inspired by a mix of fantasy
and medieval alchemy
22 February 2019
Despite Lehmann being one of the most revered
creators on the tabletop today and the obvious appeal
of a game that combines the fantasy battling of Magic
with the fast, addictive gameplay of Race, the designer
reveals that he initially struggled to nd a label willing
to take the project on.
“I designed the game for one publisher, but they
changed product managers before I was done,” he
says. “e new manager liked the game, but felt it
would be too hard to demo at a stand at the Essen
game fair. I then oered it to several other publishers,
but they all insisted that the theme would have to be
completely redone.”
Lehmann ended up showing Res Arcana to Maud and
Cyrille Daujean – the latter a industry veteran highly-
regarded for helping lead Small World and Ticket to Ride
(a game he also co-illustrated) publisher Days of Wonder
to success. At the time, the Daujeans were considering
starting their own publishing outlet; Res Arcana would
become the debut release of Sand Castle Games.
“I was very lucky that Maud and Cyrille Daujean
loved the game,” Lehmann says.
Tasked with bringing Lehmann’s fantasy vision to
life was Battlelore and Castles of Burgundy artist Julien
Delval, who had previously collaborated with Cyrille
on the look of Ticket to Ride and been responsible for
many other big Days of Wonder games.
“[He] did a wonderful job creating a unied ‘look’ to
match my fantasy setting,” says Lehmann.
Res Arcana can be played with up to four people,
making it more exible as a competitive card game
than the head-to-head standard of Magic and other
games focused more on depleting the health of a
single opponent.
It can still work with just a pair of players, however,
with Lehmann highlighting the two-player match variant
the element of Res Arcana with which he is most proud.
e variant begins with a standard game, letting
both players see how the decks and cards work.
Afterwards, the players keep their mages and spread
out the game’s entire 16 artefacts in a four-by-four grid.
From this they draft their cards in a format similar to
the Rochester draft used in Magic – the loser of the rst
game chooses whether to go rst and pick one card, or
second with the ability to take two, the benet being to
select a strong combination from the o.
(a game he also co-illustrated) publisher Days of Wonder