Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 459 (2020-08-14)

(Antfer) #1

to reduce the transmission of the virus. Others
have taken more dramatic steps, and in Wuhan,
where the coronavirus outbreak began, kids
are being forced to wear face masks and are
separated via see-through screens. In the
UK, schools won’t be required to practice social
distancing when they return, as scientists
there believe children don’t spread the
virus, and class sizes may be doubled to
help kids catch up on lost time. Generally,
schools are working hard to protect staff and
students, installing new sanitation stations,
encouraging social distancing where possible,
and staggering lunchtimes to reduce crowds.

At home, security should also be a priority.
From document exchange to conferencing
apps like Zoom and FaceTime, parents should
monitor their children’s online activity, and
install apps to limit activities that aren’t
related to studying. It could also be wise to
buy a dedicated computer or tablet for lesson
times, reducing the likelihood of your children
procrastinating or playing games when they
should be studying. Blocking inappropriate
websites should be a priority and monitoring
screen time will ensure kids spend time away
from their devices.

The gradual return to schools, colleges, and
universities in the coming months won’t come
without its hurdles, and as a parent, it’s natural
to feel anxious. Following government and
scientific advice, encouraging social distancing
and remote studying where possible, and
supporting your children as they reintegrate
is our best advice. With the right attitude and
technology, we can help the next generation
catch up on classes and keep the world ticking.

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