64 1 - 14 May 2019
discard the normal photoinaddition to
the HDR photo.
Force asharper focus
The iPhoneandsomeotherphones
havea focus andexposurelock, which
can prove veryuseful. Point the camera
atthe subject, thentap and holdyour
fingeronit untilan AE/AF Lock
message appears onthe screen. Now,
whenyou composethe scene,the focus
andexposure remain lockedonthe
subject, evenif itisoff-centre. Tap and
holdagain tocancelit.
Use exposure compensation
Acamera’s automaticexposurecan
bethrownbycertain situationssuch
assnow, beaches,whenthe sun is
behindthe subjectandscenes with a
lot ofsky,resulting inpoor-quality
shots.Openthe camera app onyour
Androidphone,tap the menu button
orswipe toaccessthe manual
featuresandtap the exposureicon:
a split black/white iconwith plusand
minus symbols. Onsomephones,
suchasthe iPhone, you can tap to
focus andslide afingerup ordown
phone camera’s default mode
ispoint-and-shoot, which is
quick andeasy for taking
photographs. But you can go beyond
these basic settingstoaccessmanual
camera featuresif you wantmore
controlover yourimages.
The processvariesdepending on
yourphone andcamera app,but if
you wanttoadjustthe ISO(light
sensitivity), shutter speed, light
balance and any otherattributesin
yourquest for the perfect shot, look
for acog icon, amenu button ortry
swiping leftorright. If the camera
app doesn’t havethese features or
you findthemtrickytouse,install
Camera FV-5 (bit.ly/cafv4 74 ) or
ManualCamera (bit.ly/mancam4 74 ) on Android; orMuseCam (bit.ly/
muse 474 ) orVSCO (bit.ly/vcs 474 ) oniOS.There are freeversionsof these
appsandtheymake accessing manualsettingsmucheasier.
Improve your mobile snaps using manual settings
Use HighDynamic Range
The sceneyou wanttoshoot might
includebothlightanddarkareas, and
regular camera settingsmay set the
exposurefor one arealeaving other
parts darkorwashedout. HDR (High
DynamicRange)combinesthe bestbits
frommultipleexposures tocreate
photos thathavebetterexposureand
coloursaturation. Turnit oneitherwith
anHDR option onthe screenorinthe
camera settings. It almost always
improves how aphotolooks.
Onan iPhone, gotoSettings, Camera
andturnoff Smart HDR if itisavailable.
You can thenmanually turnit on oroff
inthe Camera app whentaking aphoto.
There isalsoanoptiontokeepor
Find your camera’s manual
settings or use an app,
such as CameraFV-5
Tweak the
lighten or
a photo that
has awkward
If you seewords thatlook like
they’ve been typed in a
typewriter, follow the instructions
and type themexactly as they
appear, paying closeattentionto
spaces and punctuation.
Web User Masterclass
Take better phone photos with
hidden tools and manual apps