the results. After utilising D3.js, we were
able to use the world map as a base for
the UI design of the experience.
Talk us through your work with payments
company, CardConnect.
MV: CardConnect ( was
one of our first clients and we have had
an incredible journey with them. We’ve
been to visit their headquarters in
Philadelphia, US to see where the magic
happens and have designed and
developed over four overhauls of their
marketing website.
A design project is never complete; it’s
a circle of constant iteration and
improvement and the CardConnect
project is a perfect example of that. More
recently we’ve restructured their style
guide by refining fonts, colours and
design elements alongside working with
amazing Manchester-based illustrator
James O’Connell.
Since CardConnect was acquired by
First Data, we’ve been working with the
FD sales team on integrating the
marketing site with HubSpot and
Salesforce to create a better lead capture
flow and measuring the results with
multiple analytics tools. We can’t wait to
show you what we have in store for Q2 of
2019 so check back then on their website
if you’re interested!
What are your favourite technologies
right now?
JH: As a front-end developer at Series
Eight, my favourite is Vue.js for sure as
it’s what I’m learning and working with
most. It’s made JavaScript refreshing
again. These AR/VR concept things I’m
seeing look super fun to play with, too.
I’ve seen full 3D environments you can
walk around in rendered on the web. I’ve
not worked with AR/VR but they’re one
of my favourite things to see on the web
and have I’ve dedicated some of my
Fridays to start learning more about it.
Can Series Eight can keep growing
without setting down a permanent base?
FV: Absolutely. I think we can continue
to grow in a very lean way by being a
remote team. We don’t need big, fancy
headquarters to qualify as a great
agency. Instead we have happy co-
workers that can balance their family
and work life in a healthier, more
flexible way and be more productive
because of that. By being more
productive, it means we have more time.
That’s more time for delivering our best
work and customer service and also more
time for learning. We dedicate part of
our Fridays to learning something new,
which is essential in our constantly
evolving industry.
Key dates for
Series Eight
Founder Mario Vassiliades leaves
agency life to start up Series Eight.
Co-founder and designer Francesca
joins and they open shop in a basement
studio in East London’s Haggerston.
MARCH 2015
The design duo make their first official
front-end developer hire.
Series Eight receives its first Shopify
award, which leads to a bigger focus on
ecommerce projects.
Grows to 11 team members and goes
fully remote within Europe.
Wins first Site of the Day from
Awwwards for Season, a basketball
MARCH 2018
Shopify announces that Series Eight
has won Best Mobile Commerce
Experience for Spoke, an online
menswear brand.
MAY 2018
Series Eight undergoes a complete
re-brand and builds new website to
reflect what the studio has become.
JUNE 2018
Works with Kuoni’s parent company,
Der Touristik, on designing the brand
and website for its new travel brand,
Meraki Travel.
Has first proper annual team retreat,
which takes place in Budapest,
In the Forza and Stonewall project, Series Eight needed to find the best way of bringing to life the data from
the survey on the attitudes towards LGBT acceptance in football