2019-06-01 net

(Brent) #1


displaying web content. One of the most handy tools
in Composer is the Publish button on its toolbar. This
enables quick and seamless upload of your code right
into the site’s directory via FTP.

Perhaps a less known piece of web-
development software nowadays, Quanta used
to be a number one choice not so long ago. The
famous Quanta Plus application was an integrated
IDE specifically tailored for web designers and
developers but later on it was absorbed by KDevelop,
an even more powerful cross-platform IDE. However,
the original Quanta Plus project lives on under the
patronage of Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE), a
community effort for maintaining KDE3. Anyhow, it
is still possible to install Quanta in a modern Linux
distribution and benefit from its rich set of features.
Though a bit old-fashioned, Quanta has proven to
be a viable choice for the present-day web project.
The editor sports a tabbed interface and allows for
working with text styles, tables, lists, forms and
scripts. It is still assumed that a Quanta user is
expected to code by hand but there are many tools
to support you with this in Quanta. The Tags menu
offers a sorted catalogue of frequently used tags
and is ideal for quick tag look-up. Most of the other
tools are also easy to find. Thanks to the traditional
interface layout of Quanta Plus, there are dozens of
advanced features here and there, yet it is unlikely
that a user will get lost. Every feature sits in the right
place and therefore exploring the possibilities of the
Quanta editor is never troublesome.

BlueGriffon is a web editor built around the
Mozilla Firefox rendering engine but this is
perhaps the only thing it has in common with
Seamonkey. BlueGriffon is certainly a more advanced
tool in all regards and it can serve as an HTML editor

for complex web sites. The interface has a sane layout
and feels close to an average word processor, except
maybe for the default dark theme BlueGriffon uses.
The application is offered in three variants: the
freeware version has essential WYSIWIG editor
features; the Basic version (75 euros) adds a lot of
tasteful features including dedicated editors for CSS
styles and MathML formulas, code snippets, a mobile
version preview tool, project manager and a bunch of
handful pro-level tools. The most pricy EPUB license
(195 euros) is targeted more at EPUB designers and
delivers support for exporting projects to EPUB 2/3.
However, the free version of BlueGriffon is already a
full-fledged application worth trying for producing
high-quality web content.
The Preferences section in BlueGriffon is very
similar to the one in Firefox and besides the
numerous things you can customise to your liking,
it is also possible to extend BlueGriffon with extra
plug-ins. For instance, a good start is to add missing
spell-check dictionaries and perhaps things like
FireFTP for quick code uploading. Overall, you can’t
go wrong with having a powerful web editor that
fully conforms to the latest W3C standards, including
HTML5, CSS 2.1 and large parts of CSS 3, CSS Media
Queries, MathML, SVG etc.

Sublime Text offers yet another approach to
working with web sites. The application is
basically a super-charged text editor based on the
Electron framework, so that it has a browser engine
in its heart. The interface is minimalist and code-
focused; it consists just of a text-editing area,
whereas all advanced features are hidden inside the
menu-bar items. However, it is easy to adjust the
Sublime Text UI layout to a more demanding taste.
The View menu lets you multiplex the editor’s panel
either by columns or rows and also add the left-most
panel with the list of opened files. It turns out
Sublime Text is a wise tool to use to boost your

Top left Quanta may not
be as popular as it once
was, but is a good choice for
those who code by hand
Top middle BlueGriffon
can be an HTML editor for
complex web sites
Top right The ability to
use plugins elevates the
Sublime Text software
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