eNgagemeNT ParTy
We ended up modelling things, texturing them, animating them, changing the model andtweakingtheelements
many times,” Louis Ansa recalls when quizzed on Nomadic Tribe’s toughest moments. “Itwaswithouta doubtthe
main challenge we encountered between the design and the technical team, but luckily weendedupsmoothing
things over and finding our specific workflow. The texturing was a huge part of the project,andinmyopinionitreally
adds something to the project.” This work would finally lead on to the actual production oftheassetsandalsothe
excitement around undertaking the first phases of prototyping. The team were hugely anticipatingthat,andseeing
how concept interactions would play out in reality, especially with engagement so importanttothebrief.“Themain
interactions of Nomadic Tribe are dragging your cursor to bloom a flower, clicking on hotspotstoactivatecrystals
and click-holding to make the birds fly faster. We put a lot of effort into those, as they wereveryengagingintermsof
emotional connection with the user. The first flower had several versions and types of userfeedback,thecrystalhad
different ways of animating, the clouds and particles were added, removed then added againinthebirdsscenes,etc.”
design diary ����������������������������������������� 33