Country Woman

(Joyce) #1

BEFOREAPRIL I MAY 2015 COUNTRY WOMAN 17When Chelseaand KielMohrmanbought theirhome inClintonville, Ohio, a few years ago,its outdated bungalow kitchen hadnothing like the airy farmhousefeel they craved. But the handyhomeowners were ready to testtheir DIY skills.Kiel is an industrial designer andfurniture maker. Chelsea, a nurse,writes a home and lifestyle blog, The design-minded duo spent nine monthshandcrafting their new kitchen,from the beadboard ceiling to therefinished floors. They installedhandmade cabinets, put in a tiledbacksplash and built a kitchenisland from butcher block and metalpipe. Flea market finds and plentyof colorful dishes lent personalityto the small but functional kitchen.Not including appliances, themakeover totaled just $3,500.“A lot of thought, dedication,blood, sweat and tears wentinto this space,” Chelsea says.“We are reminded every timewe use it what we’re capable ofaccomplishing together.”``````Fixer upper. The oldcabinet doors werehanging on by a threadwhen Chelsea and Kielmoved into their1918 bungalow.

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